It’s their economic policy that most convinces me this administration literally only serves the Russian oligarchs who paid to buy Trump’s presidency for him.
Sounds like something the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government should look into.
I thought it was their job to develop tactics like this?
I am become Joker:
It doesn’t win elections to just speak to the base of the party,” Slotkin said. “If it did, Kamala Harris would be president.”
We all watched the campaign. Sometimes it was even on teeveee or in the newspaper.
She ran the campaign that wing of the party wanted and now they’re pretending she ran as Bernie/AOC!
Country over party was a nod to McCain! I am losing my mind!
Ten Democrats joined all their Republican colleagues to censure Green. Green presented himself in the well of the chamber and was joined by other Democrats, who began singing, ‘we shall overcome.’
Solidarity. What the fuck does that look like.
If anyone is in their districts, they should get in contact with their offices and give them hell for this shit. Here is a link to the list…
Fuck you too, Jeffries.
Well the good news is they apparently redrew the districts a little in Missouri while I was away. I’m now in Emanuel Cleaver’s district, and he voted against censure.
Speaking of Jeffries, apparently my rep, Maxine Dexter, and 10 other Dems who have been very vocal in opposition of T**** were called into his office and told to dial it down. I wrote Jeffries directly:
“My representative is Maxine Dexter, MD. Usually, I would talk with her or one of my senators, Ron Wyden or Jeff Merkleyabout any issues I have that involve Congress. Which is what I did when I attended one of Rep Dexter’s town halls in my area. I expressed the urgency of fighting the Trump Administration’s shredding of US law and the Constitution.
I expected pushback from Republicans and their MAGA cult. What I did not expect is pushback from Democrats like you. You can stand in the batter’s box and watch illegal and unconstitutional pitches go by if you’d like, but don’t suppress MY voice in Congress by muffling MY representative.
What Trump and his minions are doing now is in many ways much worse than his failed insurrection. The time to stop fascists is before tanks are in the streets. I’m deeply disappointed in congressional Democrat’s inaction. If it takes new representatives to stand up to tyranny and grift, then let them.”
We’ll see if I get a response.
Showing dick pics, harassing trans colleagues, telling people you want to beat them up outside.
Stay classy, Congressional Republicans!
So some of them finally got off their asses and did some kind of public gesture.