Culture-Class Wars


This is more personal:
Don’t people think I look at their profiles when they make me offers for my merch on FB Marketplace? I got an offer today for a like-new ukulele that I custom-painted, plus a padded carry bag with the asking price for $25 only they wanted to pay $20. But upon viewing their profile, I saw they’d visited Naples, Italy earlier this month. I found that odd, being able to afford an overseas trip, but not wanting to pay the asking price for this item. They’re also a pro violinist and teacher, and an RN, as well as living in Troy, MI, which is kinda hoity-toity (but not like the Grosse Ptes. or B’ham). Hmmmm…


I’d say counter-offer $30! :grin:

Some people are just dicks…


Nah, I just made it a sorry, price is firm. But I’m thinking of adding:

Forgive me, but I couldn’t help notice that you could afford to go to Italy, but you expect someone to accept $5 less than what they’re asking for this item? What world do you live in?


I reported them for a deliberately low offer. Yes, FB lets one do that!
Then I replied to my “Sorry, price is firm” with “Also, did it occur to you it might be offensive to offer a lower price for an item when I notice from your profile that you could afford to go overseas?” and that I reported them for the aforementioned.

Spoiler: It’s a white woman.


So, a little bit more on this…
I asked if it ever occurred to her that it might be offensive to offer less than was asked. And note that she didn’t type, “Hi, would you accept 20 for it?”; she used the make an offer button. I also told her I looked at her profile and saw that’d she’d gone to Italy, so the low offer did seemed odd (paraphrasing here, I deleted the chat).

She replied and told me that she was “bargaining”, didn’t I know that? Um, no - saying I’m going to pay you 20$ isn’t bargaining, it’s making an offer. Bargaining is when one makes an offer, than a counter offer is made, correct?

And that she was scared of me. Hoooo boy! A person has got to have a low fear tolerance to be scared by yours truly, and I think those who know me here would agree. That every time she’d play the ukulele she’d be scared. I wasn’t sure if she was for real or playing on my sympathy. I explained my sitch, that I’m out of work and disabled.

I don’t remember much else, or else I don’t want to, it was too absurd even for me. I know now with all certainty that trying to explain to someone their own entitlement is futile.

And I could use the money. I could’ve taken 20. But I felt insulted by that. If I felt it was worth $20, that’s what I would’ve asked. But I think there’s added value in my artwork. And the uke itself hasn’t been played very often.

I think a lot of this has to do with my very recent decision to become a full-blown Debs Socialist. And keeping my integrity doesn’t start with writing letters to politicians or posting and/or sharing political content. It begins with me. This doesn’t mean I’m going to go around with a bag of painted rocks to throw at people randomly. It means speaking out for myself after I’ve made sure it’s justifiable to do so.

Of course. she could come after me with that “hurt-feelings” law, I expect. I don’t care. What about my feelings?

And I feel the absurdity coming on again, and not the good kind…SIGH.


PART THREE: THE SAGA ENDS (thank goodness)!


She bought it. And she’s a kid. I mean, like still in her early 20s, maybe? So I’m guessing she’s never known financial hardship. I got the impression she still lives w/her parents. I wonder if she was drunk last night? Oh well, she paid the 25 bucks and I gave her one of my custom-painted uke boxes gratis because lagniappe has my initials in it. And no hard feelings involved on either side.



Sounds like it had a happy ending, then! It might have just been youthful ignorance on her part, it seems… I’m glad you got the cash, and she got a ukulele with your wonderful art!


Ridiculous "fear"complaints with no actual incident or specificity have always been a tool of the troll.

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I’m taking a class in law school this semester in Advanced Negotiating Skills. I was really dreading this class because I have an engineer’s mindset when it comes to negotiations. Meaning, I hate negotiations. The class so far as been surprisingly good. We’re reading the book Getting To Yes, and an example early on in that book of the kind of negotiation that’s very common but also very ineffective is haggling over price with an antiques vendor. Please note, I am not endorsing this book. Some people apparently love it, and others think it’s garbage. I have not read enough to form an opinion. It’s just that your story resonated with me in relation to what little of the book I’ve read so far.


I wonder about this sometimes because I don’t understand it.

I know in other cultures, they haggle about everything and that’s just how it is for them. But we’re used to - you go to the store, you see the price tag, that’s what it is - except sometimes it’s not. Like you’re expected to haggle over some things (like used cars) but not others. And a swap meet or internet sale, it seems like haggling is expected.

So yes, it may be insulting, but is it really? Or is that just culture clash? And possibly even our own culture clashing. Because those things aren’t necessarily clear, even to us.

Anyway, glad it turned out well for you. :slight_smile:


I’m pretty sure she was drunk.

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I would’ve been less insulted had she actually typed a message, such as, “Will you take $20 for it?” rather than just using a FB button.

And let’s face it: Haggling online isn’t as effective as doing it in person. The verbal cues, the body language - it’s all part of the fun.


I love Leeja Miller. She has a lot of really good content.

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A new constitution in Chile, and the right-wing goes out of it’s way to stop it.

Something I learned:

Here water is a commodity, where demand determines the price in a free market. It’s a basic tenant of the constitution set in stone by the the Pinochet dictatorship.
“The 1980 constitution left the Chilean State with a very weak role. It only intervenes when the private sector can no longer guarantee certain cervices that the population has a right to.”
The current economic model is a legacy of the military dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet.
In 1980 Pinochet passed a neo-liberal constitution. It was the brainchild of Chilean economists educated in the United States. They aimed to keep state intervention to a minimum. Leaving the market to sort the rest.

The economic boom benefitted a tiny elite…

So, basically, Chile has been like Kansas under Brownback.

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