Do we file this under…
“Oh, look. We left those barn doors open. Maybe we should try and close them now.”
“The genie left the bottle and put in a change of address, should we put the stopper back in?”
Ignoble as the pursuit might be, I’m not sure that it deserves an award.
also discussed here.
That’s more human than many politicians!
A few years ago, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson hosted a debate at the Hayden Planetarium in New York on what he called the “50/50 proposition” that the universe we perceive is a computer simulation created by an outside intelligence. This was somewhere between a prank and a thought experiment: It’s not clear whether Tyson actually believes that is likely or plausible
And apparently the Italian government is blocking Project Gutenberg over the inclusion of works which are still under copymight under Italian law.
In fact, a screenshot from Kearns’ mobile phone reveals that while his account had a negative $730,165 cash balance displayed in red, it may not have represented uncollateralized indebtedness at all, but rather his temporary balance until the stocks underlying his assigned options actually settled into his account.
Following the links through the twitter feed :