He was right about the Pakleds; they shouldn’t have sent Geordie.
Watching the Section 31 flick. It really isn’t good. Really considering turning it off.
I didn’t watch it and likely won’t, but listened to a couple reviews. Poor quality aside, Mirror Georgiou being made into a hero has always rubbed me the wrong way. Michelle Yeoh is great but even back in Discovery it bugged me, as she basically went from being Space Hitler to a completely trusted and valued ally. I only watched the first couple seasons so maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t recall any kind of redemption arc for her character, and certainly not one that would redeem her being a genocidal dictator that ate other sentient species. It felt more like the writers forgot she was supposed to be the evil mirror version and hey presto, she’s palling around with Michael like she’s one of the crew.
That was… unexpectedly cool! Now I wish that this is how they actually did the opening!!!
It wont work well with DS9.
Yeah, probably not… although you could do fading in and out as it winds around the station.
Not sure how I feel about him doing the audio book for Bill Gates…
OMG, what is this behind Cirroc Lofton, I LOVE it…
I remember that Lofton’s appearance changed drastically as he matured over the course of the series, and looking at him now, I would never guess he was Jake Sisko.