Having finished episode 3 and watched episode 4:
No one on any ship they’ve shown is capable of holding a conversation. There’s almost no dialogue on this show: people don’t talk to each other, they talk past each other. And then an order is given, and the order is either followed or ignored, depending on who’s right.
For example, in the pilot: Burnham tries to implement the Vulcan greeting. Georgiou says no. Burnham argues. They adjourn to the ready-room. They argue some more. Burnham physically dominates Georgiou to get her way. Burnham issues the order for the Vulcan greeting; Georgiou countermands it at the last moment and orders Burnham off the bridge.
I get that this is a loathsome thing that Burnham is suggesting, but, for all they know, it could be just the thing to prevent a war. Picard, or Sisko, or any other captain you would name, would have gathered the senior staff and talked it out before reaching some sort of compromise. Instead, all we get on this show is, “Those are your orders.”
And that’s everyone. That’s the security officer, the first officer, Lorca, Burnham, Stametz, Georgiou, and the doctor; it’s all of the Klingons; it’s the admiralty. None of them are capable of an inch of compromise.
The only person who breaks this pattern is the roommate, and she’s exactly the opposite: she’s nothing but compromise, to the point where she completely lacks the ability to assert herself. And I have the feeling that if she ever does grow into a character who can assert herself, she’ll be no different than the others.
It’s a crew where just about everyone is Wesley Crusher, and it’s maddening.