Election Fallout

What things do I buy that are made in the USA?

On the other hand I work for a company that sells a lot of equipment to the USA.

And things around here aren’t going great…







May the gods of doxxing never allow that chap a moment of rest.


Savannah Britt owes about $27,000 on loans she took out to attend college at Rutgers University, a debt she was hoping to see reduced by President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness efforts.

Her payments are currently on hold while courts untangle challenges to the loan forgiveness program. But as the weeks tick down on Biden’s time in office, she could soon face a monthly payment of up to $250.

“With this new administration, the dream is gone. It’s shot,” said Britt, 30, who runs her own communications agency. “I was hopeful before Tuesday. I was waiting out the process. Even my mom has a loan that she took out to support me. She owes about $18,000, and she was in the process of it being forgiven, but it’s at a standstill.”


Let’s all remember, The spiteful selfish cruelty is the point.


I read that some US-based pollster/focus group person said that when people were asked if they thought Trump was an authoritarian the most common question she was asked was:

What is an authoritarian?

(Education, education, education!)

I think it might have been in today’s Guardian but I cannot find it now, or I’d link to the article. If I find it I will return and add the link.


And that is the reason why I have a bunch of stuff coming in shortly, because if I wait, prices are going to go stupid on me.


If every Trompian accusation was a confession, and Tromp repeatedly accused the Harris campaign (and by probable implication, “the deep state”) of rigging the election. . .


#EndtheFed’: Elon Musk endorses plan to let presidents meddle with Federal Reserve after Trump election win




Espen Rossing Teigen (born 1992) is a Norwegian journalist and former FrP politician from Stjørdal.

FrP = Fremskrittspartiet = Progress Party

So what you saw above was a poisoned source, quoting a poisoned source, quoting a poisoned source.

Here, have an article on that subject from a traditionally more progressive new source:

After Donald Trump’s victory: The Helplines are being called
After the presidential election in the USA, Norwegian Crisis Helplines are going down. Now more people are worried about a dangerous and unpredictable future.

It’s basically saying that Norwegians are calling Crisis Mental Health lines in comparable numbers to after the July 22 attack or the Thailand Tsunami, and they’re worried that the Climate is fucked, that war is inevitable, and that Trump’s rhetoric is going to have global consequences.

Which seems quite reasonable concerns, to me.

It then goes on to say

Dramatisk økning i USA

Dramatic increase in the USA

I USA har hjelpetelefonene opplevd en dramatisk økning i antall henvendelser de siste dagene.

In the USA Helplines have experienced a dramatic increase in the number of enquiries in recent days.

The Washington Post omtaler stor pågang hos den nasjonale selvmordsforebyggende krisetelefonen og hos krisetelefoner som retter seg mot LGBTQ-personer, fra det ble klart at det gikk mot valgseier til Donald Trump.

The Washington Post mentions a large increase in the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, and in Hotlines which target LGBTQ+ people, since is became clear that Donald Trump was was heading towards an election victory.

På samme tidspunkt kom sterke følelser til uttrykk på det demokratiske partiets valgvaker i USA.

At the same time, strong feelings were expressed at the Democratic Party’s election vigils in the USA.

— Jeg frykter ikke for de neste fire åra. Jeg frykter for de neste fire sekundene, fire minuttene, fire livstidene. Jeg frykter et totalitært regime, sa Tara Nurin til Dagbladet under en valgvake i Philadelphia i vippestaten Pennsylvania.

“I don’t fear for the next four years. I fear for the next four seconds, four minutes, four lifetimes. I fear a totalitarian regime,” Tara Nurin said to Dagbladet at an election vigil in Philadelphia in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Mange amerikanere frykter for sine rettigheter og sin sikkerhet i en hverdag med Donald Trump som president.

Many Americans fear for their rights and their safety in an everyday with Donald Trump as president.


Actually I got that from here:

I couldn’t find much information about it in English.


This makes total sense. Norway is part of NATO.

When I was in college during the mid-1980s, I had several Norwegian friends who were attending college with me in Central California. When the USS Stark was attacked, they were worried that Norway would get pulled into the conflict.


I meant Elon (poisoned source 1) quoting Peter Swede (PS2), quoting Espen Teigen (PS3), who was quoting an actual newspaper… it looks like he was quoting this article

at Verdens Gang.

Donald Trumps seier i presidentvalget har skapt frykt blant kvinner, ungdom og LGBTQ±miljøet – også i Norge. Krisetelefonen til Kirkens SOS opplever nå økende pågang.

Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election has created fear among women, the youth, and the LGBTQ+ community ­— also in Norway. The Crisis Hotline of the Church’s SOS is now experiencing increasing activity.

This article also goes into the American experience, and it looks like they’re getting it from the Washington Post as well as the Dagbladet article does.