Election Fallout

YLE was meantion this.


That’s a damn risky plan to say the least. Justice Sotomayor is 70, which means that we have two more Presidential elections to go before she’s the age Trump is now. Unless she was planning to retire soon anyway, the risk-to-reward ratio doesn’t make sense for trying to rush through a lame-duck confirmation for a new SCOTUS justice.




I’ve started processing my backlog of news articles. When my app scans the text and finds “White House”, it automatically tags the article with “White House (Trump)”. There were so many Trump stories in the backlog, that it was easier to manually correct it for a different President.

I was looking forward to changing that. Fuck!

Maybe “White House (Trump 2)” to keep the disasters distinct?


Toni Morrison passed along a great insight about the critical role of artists and writers in times like these when she dealing with the depressing re-election of George W. Bush:

I am staring out of the window in an extremely dark mood, feeling helpless. Then a friend, a fellow artist, calls to wish me happy holidays. He asks, “How are you?” And instead of “Oh, fine—and you?”, I blurt out the truth: “Not well. Not only am I depressed, I can’t seem to work, to write; it’s as though I am paralyzed, unable to write anything more in the novel I’ve begun. I’ve never felt this way before, but the election….” I am about to explain with further detail when he interrupts, shouting: “No! No, no, no! This is precisely the time when artists go to work—not when everything is fine, but in times of dread. That’s our job!”


Abandoning the climate sounds like a great idea :roll_eyes:


He’s right, you know. The Democratic Party started dying after Truman left office in 1952. And then it was all about the image and the money for Ike; for JFK, it was more for the image and the power.

Do you think if the Dem ticket had been reversed, with Walz running for POTUS and Harris as his running mate, they’d’ve had a better chance at winning, or not?


But don’t you know, the only REAL struggle for for white men to make a bigger paycheck. We are all worthy of sacrifice for this noble goal! /s

So sick of idiots who can’t understand how this whole shit is connected. Fucking dipshits.


Well, misogyny and racism wouldn’t have worked against them as much. And Walz might’ve been more willing or even able to turn up the dial on what Sanders keeps saying they should have emphasized much, much more, the wealth gap and its horrible effects on so many people’s lives.

I don’t know that that means they should’ve been reversed. Why slap the vice president in the face with that kind of demotion?



Well, then Walz resigns and then Harris would succeed him. And I know that’s going through the alley, over the creek and through the back door way of doing it, but I’m typing what’s coming off the top of my head.

Considering what actually happened, going that route seems kinda reasonable, lol.


On earnings calls Thursday, private prison groups expressed a nearly unrestrained glee over what one called the “unprecedented opportunity” that a second Trump administration brings.

That sort of thing is music to the ears of private prison operators ― whose stock prices soared upon the projections of Trump’s second term in the White House. (On Wednesday, GEO Group was “the single biggest winner in the U.S. stock market — among companies of any size,” according to the investment news site Sherwood News, which is owned by Robinhood.)


Angry Flower Investment's Korner

Capitalists are disgusting.


In the Eisenhower-administration deportations into Mexico, a lot of people died. I think the people demanding mass violence, such as mass deportation, want that. I think focusing on the economic effects misses that.


Really glad our IRA lets us exclude certain types of investments and private prisons was already in our exclude list.
That shit is blood money


I’m inclined to agree with you on that, as the cruelty has always been the point with this movement… but i think lots of well-meaning liberals believed that the economic argument would appeal to people’s rationality. :woman_shrugging: I honestly don’t know how we bridge that gap, either. If it’s as bad as some of us are thinking, it’s going to shock people, but as we’ve seen, people might be able to ignore that level of cruelty happening… seeing it in person might have an effect, though.

I don’t know… I feel like we’re staring down a praecipe, a with large angry animal barreling at us and no where else to go… I’m honestly really scared right now.


Probably would’ve made a difference. But I doubt it would be enough.

The opposition and undecideds just wouldn’t even know about or see his pro-working-class stance. And even if they did, people who wanted a strong us-vs-them dynamic would still not be swayed by something inclusive and progressive and would see it as ‘weak’.

I thought Harris did an excellent job speaking and sounded appealing to a wide variety of people. But it seems like they didn’t want to be appealed to, didn’t want nice things for themselves, anyway. They wanted to be riled up and angered about others and fired up about what the next administration would do to hurt the others.

I don’t really think changing Harris and Walz’s places would’ve changed that.