Election Fallout



There’s worse things he could do I guess. Kinda late. Fucks up the president numbering so it’ll cost the Rump-Industrial-Complex some money in reordering merch. Couldn’t he just pack the court with one appointment per 18-year incumbent? That would actually accomplish something, if Manchinema are amenable.


Sure. Nothing means anything anymore, and the only real reason to do anything is to find a way to “own” the other side… :woman_shrugging: But what do I know.


I just saw this:

Though I think ideally any boy saying that needs a swift kick to the groin to teach them the error of their ways.


I guess this is election fallout? :thinking:
It occurs to me that Trump can’t campaign for POTUS again, although it would seemingly be of great benefit to him if he could (in spite of the talk about being done with rallies, which I’m not sure I believe).

(From TOS:)

…or perhaps he can, or will, run again? The 22nd amendment says, “no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.” (And, presumably, someone is working on that right now, but that’s another temple-rubbing.) So it might specify that while he can’t be elected again, it doesn’t say he can’t run again. I’m thinking he will (or someone will put him up to it), anyway, 22nd amendment or not. As in 2016, he (or his handlers) may have no intention of actually winning, it’s just for the benefit of campaigning.

Now that I wrote it out it just seems nonsensical, but if it does happen, I don’t know what to do with/about it anyway.


He could look to George Wallace, when he had his wife run for him.


Very much precedented opportunity.

The SS established the camp in October 1942 at the behest of IG Farben executives to provide slave labor for their Buna Werke (Buna Works) industrial complex.

Other German industrial enterprises built factories with their own subcamps, such as Siemens-Schuckert’s Bobrek subcamp, close to Monowitz, to profit from the use of slave labor. The German armaments manufacturer Krupp, headed by SS member Alfried Krupp, also built their own manufacturing facilities near Monowitz.


I like Bernie. I respect Bernie. I’ve voted for Bernie. But when Bernie says stuff like “people voted for Trump because he said ‘I feel your pain’ and the Democrats didn’t” I start to think he might be missing the mark.

First, Trump never really said anything like that. If anything, he was far more vocal about all the ways he believed he had personally been wronged that about the plight of the American working class. Second, it wasn’t primarily an issue of messaging that lost this election for Democrats. It was racism, misogyny, and an overall cultural embrace of authoritarianism.


Yeah, insofar as there was any content to his stream-of-unconsciousness blathering, it was much less “I feel your pain”, and much more “You feel my pain”. And even then it was less a statement than an instruction.

There was lots of grievance, but not one ounce of empathy.


I respectfully disagree because I have gone from middle class to poverty. I’m too young for SocSec and too old for sex work. I refuse to appeal my application for SocSec Sup. or Disab. because I don’t understand how someone can decide my fate without fucking ever talking to me over the phone or face-to-face.

Both parties are corrupt. I hate that the candidates have to fucking sell themselves to the public like Mr Whipple selling toilet paper.

IMNSHO, it always comes down to the haves-a-lot vs. the haves-not-much. And they forget what it’s like to be poor - if they ever were. (yes, there are exceptions, most recently Walz on the nat’l scene) But how mahy Dems or Repubs.on any levei, but particularly federal have had to worry about student debt? Look at Pritzker: sure, he knows how to reach people like a regular Joe, but he’s a fucking nepo baby!

In any case, they need to listen more to the marginalized. They need to take a firm stand on the I/P situation. And people need to learn what the fuck long-term gratification is, although in this instantly-gotta have it-YESTERDAY society, I don’t see that happening very soon.

(btw trump never actually specifically told the Jan. 6 people to go to the Capitol Building and shit on desks, break and steal property, and so on; “fight like hell” can be taken a few ways, if you wanna see it that way. Made me think of Germans burning libraries and such in WWI.)


Alex Jones floats the idea that the election was stolen down ballot.





Granted; it’s the “Trump won because he was so gosh darn empathetic to the plight of the working class folks” part that I disagree with. He literally spent the last part of his campaign dancing on stage with the world’s wealthiest oligarch FFS.


I think that’s right… When I went to the local DNC business meeting, someone brought up the old precinct capt. model that has fallen out of favor…


Sure, but Trompkins don’t see him that way. He’s instead a “self-made” hero whose wealth they aspire to, or at least wish they had. And “oligarch”? Most of them don’t know what that word means, let alone the concept it describes.