It strikes me that this is why good journalism matters, because the right question at the right time to those in power can cause them to rethink their policies. Perhaps there is a direct line between her question to President Clinton and the bombing of Serbia that ended the invasion of Kosovo…
We might need a good journalism topic. It still exists, but primarily through independent blogs.
That’s a good idea! Let’s do it!
Once again, the media blames Democrats for not stopping Trump instead of blaming Trump or the Republican Party.
Well, TBF, what other party or entity besides the Democrats has the power or is otherwise well positioned to do anything about it? Also, Dems in general have indeed been awfully quiet so far, seems to me.
As for not blaming Trump, um, that headline does indeed do that, no?
I especially ask because TNR, while somewhat centrist, has in my experience done better reporting than most corporate media.
What are Democrats supposed to do to stop Trump from breaking this law? They don’t control the House. They don’t control the Senate. They don’t control SCOTUS. Several Democrats have spoken out and ranking House Democrats sent a letter to Trump himself. What else can they do? SCOTUS declared last year that Trump is presumptively immune from criminal prosecution for official acts, which would almost certainly include this.
They can keep introducing articles of impeachment every time he does something illegal. Yeah, they won’t go anywhere, but keep hammering at it.
Speak up! Get loud, obnoxious, sweary even. Do shit loudly and obnoxiously, so it grabs media attention. Stop acting fucking “concerned.”
At which point the media will accuse them of exaggerating and being divisive. Because that’s what always happens.
I’d rather Democrats fight back and get called divisive than let Republicans have everything they want.
I don’t think that means they shouldn’t do it. Kowtowing to the double standards of corporate media hasn’t worked either.
What I want is for the centrist and center left media to start blaming Republicans for this mess instead of saying “Why aren’t Democrats doing more.” Because at the end of the day, no amount of complaining or screaming or introducing impeachment charges is going to do anything. That double standard has to be eliminated, or this isn’t getting fixed without violence.
Centrist media doesn’t exist anymore. Those companies are owned by billionaires who’ve gone all in on oligarchy. I don’t even know how much the general population cares about legacy media anymore. They get their news from a right wing ecosystem of free news.
I get all that. It’s just frustrating to always see Democrats blamed for not stopping something they have no power to stop. It reminds me of when I was a kid, and my brother would pick on me or tease me, and the second I complained to mom about it, I would be the one who got in trouble.
It is. There is a long tradition in media that whatever the right does, it’s always blamed on the left not being perfect, and it’s at the point where it’s abusive.