🎆 🎇 ❇ ✨ 💖 🏅 Name This Site - ROUND 5 - Final Battle 🏅 💖 ✨ ❇ 🎇 🎆

It was totally taken when I looked into it earlier, it’s just whoever owns it just has it parked with a page indicating that it is open for bids. I assume it’s one of those “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it” situations.

I very badly want a two-letter domain in the .ch TLD, but I haven’t been able to find a way to register any .ch, let alone the likelihood that there are any that short still remaining or that I could even begin to afford it.

Does anyone remember when all domains were $45 per year?


Ahhh, I misinterpreted your earlier response to mean that you had snapped it up and were offering it to the highest bidder here. Whoops!

Heck, I remember when they were free. :joy:


If only. I would have felt honor-bound to at least offer it to @chgoliz first before exploiting it for fabulous riches.


This is a remarkably close race, for the top 2 anyway.

8 more voters and we can call this.


Paying for a domain name has always been wack business. In 2018 all of the cool kids will be using IP addresses.


And I appreciate that offer-that-would-have-been!


Hopefully IPv6…


I would really prefer .org for the reason stated. There are rare cases where a cute tld makes sense but otherwise it’s more hassle than it’s worth.

ETA: I just tried Elsewhere.org and it went to a blog.


This last stage feels a bit rushed to me. I guess there was some discussion about TLDs at the bottom of the last voting thread and I simply missed it, but in any event it seems like some of the choice domains are being omitted.

What I got was a Google cached version of a blog. I’m checking TLD availability through Dreamhost and this is what I’m seeing:

When you visit these pages, things come up—“account suspended,” “domain parked,” etc., but they’re apparently available.

The three I circled would have been my top choices. I’m not sure if:

1.) Somehow I’m mistaken and these domains aren’t available, but I’ve never clicked a “buy now” button on DreamHost and had the tell me “Actually, no. Sorry.”

2.) Nobody is speaking up because they stopped following the thread after the vote and aren’t aware of other choices.

3.) Nobody is speaking up because .cafe and .zone would still have been their first choices.

It might easily be #3, but I would liked to have been given the opportunity to vote on a non-cute TLD.


Oh, I’m glad you caught that. I would pass on the .co since it is so close to .com. But .org and .io get my vote.

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I looked at many different options. I thought it was weird for me to overlook that one. One of the issues I noticed with the interface I was using was that it would present a domain as available in some cases up until you actually tried to add it to your cart.

As for a non-cute domain, I have actually registered a .com that would work for that situation. I believe it is in the spirit of the choice we made, while doing a good job of bridging the gap between our current domain and the new one.

A no-prize to the first individual who finds it.

ETA: @Haystack. I’m using Dreamhost as the registrar, and I had exactly the situation where as soon as I added it to the cart, it notified me that it wasn’t available. http://www.elsewhere.org/journal/ seems active to me.


Shit, you’re right. That’s really annoying, DreamHost.

Well, I’m disappointed that we don’t have those options, but I feel better about the vote now.


Would anyone be interested in a team videoconference to discuss name? This seems awkward to do this by thread. I have a zoom account and can post a link in this thread. Maybe Sunday?


3 more voters or 3 more days…


…And we’re done.

elsewhere.cafe won by a notable margin, with elsewhere.zone following closely behind. Both of those domains have already been purchased and are active, so please give the following a try:

Please let me know if there are any problems accessing the site from those URLs.

Combined with the two pre-existing domains, and the 7(!) secret ones, that means there are 11 domains that all redirect here now.

Next up, I need to figure out how to gently transition this site so that we don’t have any hiccups. I think I should just be able to point discourse to bbs.elsewhere.cafe, but I’ll also have to regenerate the SSL certificate, and set up e-mail, etc. so I’m not going to tackle that immediately, but I’m hoping to have that wrapped up this week.


(apparently body is unclear)




Now that I see the site’s name in the window title of my browser, I like it a lot! Thanks for voting!


Chrome knows we exist!