Every time I don my work gloves
He ain’t 6’2" neither!
I’ll have one of his Boddington’ses, if he’s sharing.
I am reading a korean manhwa, it’s not great but it’s good enough to pass the time. That said i just realized something reading this…
There’s an unintentional pun with the RL promoter’s name Don King. Based on the panels above Don King could also be interpreted as Money King Nominative Determinism?
A friend who’s about 6’6" visited a few years back, and came back downstairs from le pissoir with cobwebs in his hair. Mom and I were horrified, but he and his wife and I were more amused than anything. XD
Now I think of it, I shoulda asked him, “So, Joe, when’d’ja become a Goth?”
This happens to my cat all the time, though not to that degree… she plays with most bugs she finds in the house, but she’ll eat up little house spiders like they’re snacks… she ends up with cobwebs hanging from her ears and whiskers…
We got us two mud seasons round these here parts. 'Course, given all them micro-climates in this Great Land of Our’n, things is diff’rent in diff’rent places.
We have
Oh, shit! Is winter already here? - late Oct - early Nov
Oh, shit! winter really is here! - gen’ly mid-Nov - early Dec
winter, AKA Wind Chill Season
winter, plus extra gray, gloomy and wet AF - Feb
Oh, shit! Will this shit never end?! - Feb, the longest month in Michigan’s year - frequently much of Mar
Has Spring finally sprung? AKA Fake Spring - Late Mar - early April
Mud Season, AKA Spring (grab your sweater, wellies, and snorkel!)
Rain - Feb - early/mid May
Oh, shit! How is it this hot already? - May - early June
summer, AKA Heat Index Season - May/June, etc etc
summer - Oh, shit, it’s fucking hot! - July
summer - ditto - Aug
summer - Oh, shit! Why is it still so hot?! - much of Sept
Oh, shit! Are the leaves already turning? - mid/late Sept
Mud Season, AKA Autumn/Fall (sweater, snorkel, etc needed again)
Et voilà! Those are the seasons in the greater Detroit area.
That’s too complicated. In Minnesota we have Winter and Road Repair Season.
Cold, but much more reasonable and logical.
Climatologists throw around the word “temperate” like they’ve never seen a dictionary.
Some of my favorite weather is when winter ends and all the snow starts melting, and I get to experience it so many times.
Esp when the Sun’s out and shinin’ for all He’s worth!
{Which is a LOT.}
Sweatshirts in UP gift shops call the two seasons shoveling (snow) and swatting (mosquitos).
We have two seasons; hot construction and cold construction.
Here in the American Deep South we have 5 seasons that roughly play out thusly:
JAN - Season 1: Winter - Did it really get this cold last year?
FEB - Season 1: Winter - No really it’s too fucking cold for this to be normal
MAR - Season 2: Spring - Psych! it’s actually still Winter!
APR - Season 2: Spring - Ok, it’s actually Spring now! Isn’t it nice?
MAY - Season 3: Summer - Fuck me it’s hot. Remember how nice the three weeks Spring were?
JUN - Season 3: Summer - Did it really get this hot last year?
JUL - Season 3: Summer - No really it’s too fucking hot for this to be normal
AUG - Season 4: FUCKING AUGUST - Kill me
SEP - Season 5: Fall - Isn’t supposed to cool off now?
OCT - Season 5: Fall - Finally some relief???
NOV - Season 5: Fall - I can pretend I live in a temperate climate!
DEC - Season 1: Winter - Fuck me it got cold fast
There’s only 2 seasons.
Jacket season
Shorts season