Fuck Today, Reboot Edition

My Aunt Loretta, broke her hip and is having surgery today. If she makes it, she’ll be 92 on 7/25.

She’s my last surviving aunt, the youngest of the nine Carpenters, and was very close to my mom as they were only two years and four days apart in age.


Awful allergies today, after my housemate weedwhacked the backyard :sneezing_face:


That made me sniffle just reading it.


Great news, she’s doing okay!


Bloody hell…


Welp, this is not good…




Y’know, I’d have to say that for an alky/addict, this must be really testing his sobriety…I wouldn’t be surprised if some sort of binge was in his future, whether the masses learn of it or not.

But the whole thing is really so far removed from life here on the ground. Some rich people boo-hooing about their relationship in public (look, just get along long enough to make a doco, or a “based on” movie and be done with it!) at the taxpayers’ expense is getting mighty fucking old. All so they can stay in their precious spotlight.

My divorces were quick & fairly cheap & cut-n-dried. But I guess being famous makes a diff, don’t it?

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What would really be awful is if some future girlfriend or wife ends up dead because of this. It’s not like he’s the first man who is famous to regularly get away with beating their wives, and then later killing a partner, because no one took women seriously about the abuse. Everyone knew that Phil Spector was a wife beater, and no one did shit because he was a "genius) and he eventually killed his wife.

I’d argue that in this case, the way that Heard was villianized mirrors very much how women who are victims of spousal abuse are regularly treated. It just has the extra dimension that these are two very well-known people who happen to be wealthy.

That’s often best and I wish they all were so. Splitting up is difficult enough. But I’ve known enough divorces of normal people that drag out in a similar, horrific manner. I can think of at least one that was not a marriage, but a long-term partnership that needed court intervention since a kid and assets were involved. I saw it up close and it wasn’t very pretty. Not as bad as this, and no physical abuse was involved, but other nastiness was.


That would have to be one dumb-ass woman to get involved with him after this. I sure hope it doesn’t happen.

Thing is, is the conceived value in love that consists of “I love you so much I would die/kill/maim for you!” has been glorified for faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long, like centuries. And it’s made a deep impact upon society, to the point where IMNSHO it’s a part of the global subconscious. I also suspect if they were poor unknowns, one would’ve killed the other at some point earlier on.

Humans are humans, though, everyone does their thing differently.

Sadly, not too few of the people showing up at the court to support him were indeed women. I guess it’s the mindset that domestic abuse is a function of the individual being abused is the “cause” of the abuse, and that the “right woman” would be treated better, because she’s not “constantly triggering” the abuser by “not being good enough”… But of course, abuse is far more complicated and social than that. The fault lies with the abuser, not the abused. Our culture has the blame backwards.

That too. It really got a lot of traction with the shift in our ideas about marriage in the victorian era to being about “romantic love” rather than family building.


Even prior to the Victorians, the Age of Chivalry - how fucking stoooopid can you get? Other than the French valuing valor over strategy, that is.

Note: I’m working my way through all of the “Cartoon History of” books, lol. Somehow it comforts me to read about human folly & triumph in cartoon form.

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True, but don’t forget that lots of the Age of Chivalry stuff had a real revival in the Victorian era and began to be seen in more modern, romantic terms that really spread as ideals to a larger audience via mass publishing. I’d say it was really in the Victorian era that cemented the idea of marriage as the ultimate expression of romantic love.

And of course, abuse of women and children has always existed, because women and children were considered “property” of their male family members. Add the modern ideas about marriage, and the whole stalking narrative as romantic love gets more normalized…

I think I remember hearing some interviews with this writer when her book came out a while ago…


And let’s not forget religions!

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Just a minor fuck today, but the fucking spotify web interface is a fucking pain in my ass. I have to create a playlist for the book, and I can’t figure out how to find a direct link to each individual song… Nor can I figure out how to just play each individual song without it weirdly going straight to the recommendations that plays the first 20 seconds of each song…


And they don’t have the Crass song that has that clip of the Thatchergate tape they made… :roll_eyes:

Okay! They did just have Thatchergate tapes!!!


Going along fine, making this playlist, finding almost everything, even HC bands from other countries… got to the section with queercore bands… and guess what I’m having trouble finding… :roll_eyes: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I may have given us food poisoning. Take out dinner on Friday and then I cooked Saturday and Sunday, and today :face_vomiting: or at least I feel like I am about to, anyhow.

It had to have been the cabbage or oyster mushrooms because everything else was cooked, also served right away.

The :poop: has apparently concluded.


Pics or it didn’t happen.