Just hit the first “flashpoint” (mini-campaign mission) in my new Battletech Ironman career save.
Much fun; a good challenge without being impossible.
Quite happy with the DLC goodness; revived a game that I’d worn out.
Copy and paste of geekery from the Battletech forums under spoiler:
I’ve just hit the first Flashpoint in my new career save.
I went in to the first mission with a Shadow Hawk, Crab, Vindicator and Firestarter, all heavily modified. The Shadow Hawk was an SRM boat, the Crab had five ML and one SL, Vindicator PPC + four ML, Firestarter 2 x ML and 6 x SL. All jump capable, most with Sure-Footed pilots.
The first mission went fairly smoothly; I wiped out the first force before the Trebuchets appeared, so they lacked any spotters for indirect fire shenanigans. However, there was a Hatchetman in the Opfor which managed to slice an arm off my Firestarter with a single swipe, and the Shadow Hawk also lost an arm just before the last opponent fell.
Fortunately, I had another SL-equipped Firestarter ready to go back on the ship, and the mission-supplied Hatchetman made an okay substitute for the Shadow Hawk during the second mission.
Defending the base, the Hatchetman and Firestarter charged in amongst the first wave, while the Crab and Vindicator hung back. The Firestarter wreaked mayhem all over the place, while the Hatchetman soaked up more fire than was good for it. All of the buildings remained standing until the second wave arrived, which was also around the time that the Hatchetman fell.
At that point the Crab jumped in amongst the second wave to distract them, but ended up losing a leg and a torso in return. Fortunately, the Vindicator picked off the enemy mech poised to deliver the killing blow, allowing time for the Crab pilot to eject.
As the final heavies lumbered up the hill, the Firestarter and Vindicator hopped around like mad, drawing fire and killing time until the reinforcements arrived. It worked.
Much of fun, overall. Nicely challenging without being overwhelming.