Get your game on!

Just hit the first “flashpoint” (mini-campaign mission) in my new Battletech Ironman career save.

Much fun; a good challenge without being impossible.

Quite happy with the DLC goodness; revived a game that I’d worn out.

Copy and paste of geekery from the Battletech forums under spoiler:

I’ve just hit the first Flashpoint in my new career save.

I went in to the first mission with a Shadow Hawk, Crab, Vindicator and Firestarter, all heavily modified. The Shadow Hawk was an SRM boat, the Crab had five ML and one SL, Vindicator PPC + four ML, Firestarter 2 x ML and 6 x SL. All jump capable, most with Sure-Footed pilots.

The first mission went fairly smoothly; I wiped out the first force before the Trebuchets appeared, so they lacked any spotters for indirect fire shenanigans. However, there was a Hatchetman in the Opfor which managed to slice an arm off my Firestarter with a single swipe, and the Shadow Hawk also lost an arm just before the last opponent fell.

Fortunately, I had another SL-equipped Firestarter ready to go back on the ship, and the mission-supplied Hatchetman made an okay substitute for the Shadow Hawk during the second mission.

Defending the base, the Hatchetman and Firestarter charged in amongst the first wave, while the Crab and Vindicator hung back. The Firestarter wreaked mayhem all over the place, while the Hatchetman soaked up more fire than was good for it. All of the buildings remained standing until the second wave arrived, which was also around the time that the Hatchetman fell.

At that point the Crab jumped in amongst the second wave to distract them, but ended up losing a leg and a torso in return. Fortunately, the Vindicator picked off the enemy mech poised to deliver the killing blow, allowing time for the Crab pilot to eject.

As the final heavies lumbered up the hill, the Firestarter and Vindicator hopped around like mad, drawing fire and killing time until the reinforcements arrived. It worked.

Much of fun, overall. Nicely challenging without being overwhelming.


Tried playing the phantom pain for a bit. Too many cutscenes, switched to quake 1. Problem seemed to go away.


I agree. After the initial slog it’s just so damn good. After a while I got into this gameplay rhythm that was just so satisfying to play. Going through a base undetected, knocking people out and Fultoning them to my base felt so great. There’s also so many Easter eggs and clever mechanics to discover that I found myself constantly amazed that the developer even thought of it. The attention to detail is simply astounding.

For instance you can jump on a container and Fulton it while you’re on it to immediately transport both the container and yourself back to base. There’s a whole Myth Busters-like series on YouTube just testing the various MGSV gameplay legends - and funnily enough almost all of them are true.


Indeed but then again it all kind of makes sense in the end. Also it makes a lot more sense if you had played Ground Zeroes (which is really good even though it’s super short).


Yesterday I picked up both Katamari Damacy Reroll and Diablo 3 for the Switch. Diablo was actually 30% off already which surprised me, and I had birthday gift money to throw at it :sunglasses:

I have mixed feelings about Diablo. I’m soooooo used to playing it on PC (hundreds of hours? thousands?)
that console is just slightly weird. There are a lot of skill buttons, of course. But it does feel kind of streamlined for that setup so it’s not bad, it’s different. Menus also feel slightly more awkward right now, though more unified and streamlined in some ways than the PC version.

But the biggest thing is, this is probably what’s going to push me to hook up the HDMI instead of just using it handheld. With my eyesight, text is almost unreadable on that tiny screen, especially if I don’t hold it in exactly the right zone for my progressive lenses.


This thread:


Yup. When I taught high school, we would ban kids from the school network for violating the TOS they signed at the start of the school year. We would take them to the server room and show them the logs proving they violated the TOS, and they would sit there and say “I didn’t do it”. The worst part was when their patents would come in and say the same thing, or say some shit like, “okay, he installed a video game with a Trojan on a dozen machines and made half the class in three different sections unable to get their work done for two days, but don’t you think banning him is a little harsh?”

They wouldn’t exactly just say that. They’d just keep repeating the last part while I listed off all the extra work and BS caused. I always wondered what state their home computer was in.



Such great stuff there. I seem to recall there being a blog where they captured the best of these.

(And, RIP Stepto)




Some freebies - Lego The Hobbit at Humble Bundle, and Full Throttle (woo!) at GOG.


Two great games. Full Throttle is entirely too short but it’s one of the last great LucasArts P&C adventure games.


Got an email about full throttle. Going to humble bundle now.


I have a code for Full Throttle remastered if someone wants it. I already have it on GOG (prebought it) and apparently they didn’t recognize that when I clicked Get Game. Whoever wants it…


OMG the clueless is just so priceless. So at my last gig one of the coworkers was playing Destiny and he records stuff for twitch or such. The other team was bragging about using cheat software. Said coworker has friends over in Xbox support and sent the recording over to them and the cheater not only got a permaban but lost access to $500+ of games. Oops.


D&D was mentioned in this Vulture dissection of SNL’s Weezer Skit.

Alan, is there anything that gets you as heated as Weezer and Shrek do for these two?
Alan : Yes, basically anything that I care about. If you razzle me, I’ll razz you back. The thing that interests me about writing sketches like this one is that if you replace “the movie Shrek ” or “Weezer” with any other movie or band, it still makes sense. I think everyone has had some version of this argument before. I’ve definitely gone slathering, froth-mouthed mad over which edition of Dungeons & Dragons is better.

Okay, which one?
Alan : Okay, here’s the thing: Is 5th Edition the most accessible? Yes. Does that make it the best? Maybe. But if you want to get down to brass tacks and do a meat grinder, and roll 50 characters in a day and really play with stats and do some freaking number-crunching , then you go 2e all day.


The correct answer is “Pathfinder”

(To be fair, I haven’t even looked at 5e. But I’m happy never to deal with 2e again, or the grappling rules from 3.0e.)


Free Lego Lord of the Rings at Humble Bundle today.

As I already have that one, someone can have my key - replace the @ with the number that 2 + 2 equals in America Ingsoc - @GGXA-KQDGP-P4KNG


Here are my tipsy1 impulse buys for the Steam winter sale.


To be fair, a couple of these are more like holdout buys than impulse buys, but a deal’s a deal. :money_mouth_face:

Even if I never play them. :weary:

1. ok, drunken.


I briefly glanced through them, almost bought a couple and then remembered all the unplayed games and my bank account and closed it.

I’ve barely played Ogre that went on sale the last steam sale and that’s one I actually wanted.


I have that sitting on my wishlist. But I waver between paying for that or the actual physical version.