Get your game on!

Oh yeah, I figured I’d need the base game too. I’d love to play DBD eventually, and the Demogorgon looks like a really fun character to play as, so I’d kinda like to have the option in reserve.

On the other hand, I’m not 100% sure it’s a great idea for me to get into it-- apparently there’s a big learning curve, and it takes a lot of time to “get good.” I’m typically a pretty casual gamer, so that might not be so healthy for me.

I’ve got about three months to decide, but at least I’ve got the info. Thank you! :heart_eyes: :+1: :rofl:


So I decided to fart around on for a little while last night, and this happened…

I have no idea if this was a hack, or just a bunch of creative, talented players, but it made me laugh. Well done, Slither players, well done. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Finished Psychonauts 2 last night, and woo-ee…that was amazing. I would rate it even above the first game, which is saying a lot. Definitely worth the wait from backing it to now (wow, that was 2016), and kinda fun to see my name in the credits :smiley:

If you have Gamepass on Xbox or PC, should be a no-brainer to check it out, and I’d say also worth the crazy Australia-tax price as well.


So after 160 odd hours, I finished Cyberpunk 2077. I was expecting to have fun, but I didn’t expect to love the absolute shit out of it.

Pre-ordered based on loving the Witcher series despite having no prior knowledge of the tabletop RPG, and stopped reading about it prior to release to avoid spoilers. That’s probably good, as it seems it became the holy grail to gamers - everyone seemed to think it would be a different type of perfection. That expectation will never be met, and when you add in the bad performance on last gen consoles, for gamers it went from the next coming of Christ to literally worse than Hitler.

But after playing other things and finally getting to it a few months back, I found it absolutely engrossing. The city they created is as fascinating to explore as the world in The Witcher 3, and it looked and felt like I’d stepped into a Neuromancer/Snow Crash TV show. I’ve begun to read the RPG sourcebooks and they really nailed everything that’s in there. It didn’t feel like GTA, which is a somewhat trite complaint I’ve seen - but it does have the same immersive and lived in world that Red Dead Redemption 2 had.

I’d definitely recommend it for PC, where it looks amazing and ran very well (I’m on a 2060 at 1080p and it was basically locked at 60fps on high). If you’ve pleased the gods and somehow gotten a 3080 or the like, then your brain will probably melt. I’ve only got a handful of mods running but there’s some interesting stuff being made that I’m keeping an eye on.

Anyway 9/10 would definitely cut up some gonks with a katana again


Paizo has recognized their union.

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Thanks for sharing - I’ve been avoiding it because I didn’t want a major letdown, (I’m an oldschool Cyberpunk fan - both the books and the RPGs) but based on your description I think that might be my next big game.

(My last was Subnautica which is just so good.)


did you play Below Zero?

Not yet. I just finished Subnautica a couple of weeks ago. It had kept me occupied for months, so I think I’ll give a bit of time with something else before trying Below Zero, knowing I’ll probably like it when I want a change.

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A reminder to anybody interested in playing the Stranger Things characters in Dead By Daylight: the game company lost the license, so Demogorgon, Nancy, and Steve will no longer be available to purchase after (or on? Not sure) November 17. Steam is currently running a sale where you can get a bundle with the base game, the Stranger Things DLC, and a costume pack for $14.71, less than the cost of the game by itself ($19.99)!

I won’t be able to run it any time soon… I need to see if my 11-year-old laptop can be updated to Windows 10 first, and that’s incredibly low on my current priority list. But as I understand it, buying it now should lock in those characters for whenever I can finally start playing. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


It’s pretty short, especially for a clicker/idle game. I’d estimate 2-3 hours total if you manipulate the markets effectively.

Not recommended for lovers of the Free Market, haters of Raccoons, or those who like happy endings.

Oh, it’s free to play in a browser or download.


I’ve been playing Civilization V, again.

The game’s seen a bit of a revival, with some big mods like Sapiens or Stone to Stars emerging over the last year.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed playing Civilization V and Civilization VI, especially now that all the expansions have dropped. Civilization V is a bit slower in gameplay, but is quite a bit more flexible in modding potential.


I’ve got a question, though I’m not sure whether or not I should even be bringing it up.

What should be done when you run across someone with a highly inappropriate username in-game? I reported the person to Support the first time I encountered them, back in May, but I found out today they’re still in the game, same name… and they’re playing in high ranks.

There’s no direct person-to-person contact in game; if I understand correctly, PVP battles are handled by the game itself with bots using other player’s stats. (I’ve actually wound up playing against my own characters more than once, which I find amusing, even if I lose.) And it’s rare for me to play past the point when I gain Champion rank-- it takes a ton of time and effort to battle up to higher levels, and I play fairly casually these days.

I sent another complaint to Support after I won the match, but I don’t know if they’ll do anything. I did attempt to explain why it was problematic, that it was an insult to other players, and reflected poorly on the game itself… but it’s a small company based out of Thailand, so I’m not sure if there’s language or cultural issues complicating it.

I don’t want to let one asshole player run me out of the game; on the other hand, it bothers me to participate when the company seems not to GAF about a username with a racial slur and a word for sexual violence.

Any suggestions?


I got a reply from the Support team:

Thank you for your feedback. We have noted it and will send to the Product team.

I have no idea if that means anything, but it’s more response than I got last time I made a report, so at least somebody’s paying attention. I’ll keep my eyes open the next time I decide to fight more Champion bouts, to see if they’re still around, and I’ll report them again if I see them. I’ve seen my share of silly and/or stupid screen names, and I shrug those off, but this one’s way above and beyond that.


Shenmue III is currently free on Epic Game Store through tomorrow. While the Shenmue series was always too ambitious for its own good, it’s certainly worth checking out for free.

(Looks like Epic Game Store is also getting completely hammered with traffic right now. If only there was a way to anticipate demand and scale to meet it.)


I don’t know much about 5E, but much of this should be adaptable to other systems:

There’s also the FATE Accessibility Toolkit for FATE.

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Frankly I’ve bought more books than software from them.


I’ve bought way more games that I should have from them, but never used the subscription service because, really, that many new games per month is waaaay too much of a firehose for me to drink from.

Haven’t used them on Linux, but I hate to see them drop the support. Especially right as Steam is going all-in on Linux game support…


I am a subscriber, and have been for long enough that I am on the classic plan which doesn’t actually require me to make any choices every month as I just get everything (all 12). You are absolutely right that it is too many new games per month, but I crossed the threshold of having way too many games to play so long ago that it no longer matters.

I’m not thrilled with their decision to drop support for Mac and Linux, although I admit that I have made that choice easier for them since I do not game on either platform, despite having more machines running Linux in my house than Windows.

If they later decide not to provide steam keys for their game sales, they will almost certainly lose me as a customer for those purchases.


I’ve been soloing Hollow’s Last Hope to work out my solo rules and to see how Savage Pathfinder compares with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. I am halfway through, and prefer Adventure Edition, since it’s simpler, and it doesn’t add character classes.