A friend of mine visited the Grand Canyon once, and she said that she visited at a part that was on Tribal land, and directly over the other side was Federal National Park land, with its own viewing site.
She noticed that the Tribal land site did not have bars or railings, where the Federal one had all of those things, and she asked about it.
She was told that this was a deliberate choice on the Tribal side. They said that if there are no railings, then it is clear how dangerous it is. People will go up to the edge and have a look over, because we are all primates with sublimated deathwishes, but at least on the Tribal side they make sure to show people how to go side on to keep your center of balance away from the edge, or to crawl up. On the Federal side, because of all the railings, people think it’s safe, so they lean all the way over, and generally play sillybuggers because they think that the railings mean it’s been made so they can’t get hurt.
She said that the Tribal rangers told her that they’d seen multiple occasions where people had climbed onto the wrong side of the railings to hang over and get a better view, and at least once where someone was doing that to take a photo, then let go of the railing to use both hands on the camera, and only realised what they’d done when they got a really good look at the drop.
I believe this behavior is called “risk compensation”. “I will accept a certain amount of risk, this fence reduces that risk, I’ll bump my risk up a notch.”
at least once where someone was doing that to take a photo, then let go of the railing to use both hands on the camera
That’s something else, however. I don’t have a polite technical word for that.
Also, a note to our readers not familiar with the Australian vernacular: “sillybuggers” means “acting silly” and has nothing to do with bottoms.
i posted the same pic in another thread. i felt it needed amplifying here. this was posted outside the artist co-op of Keys artists. mum is one of the artists featured here. it is right off Mallory Square, in the heart of the tourist district.
“come to Key West, he said… it’ll be fun, he said”
Anyone here in the San Diego area who has an active Pronto account for the transit system? I plan to delete my account, since I’m not headed back in the foreseeable future, and I have a few nonrefundable dollars left on mine from my week there. Customer Service says I can transfer the balance to someone else, though.
Maybe my mention will hail him? I bet he’s still lurking, but @chgoliz’s friend sounds good.
My brother, SIL, and their grown sons mostly use their cars, although they always use the trolley to go to Petco Park for baseball games because it’s so damn convenient.
Did they say that they’ll take the balance away over time? I know that you can’t do that with gift cards in CA, but transit systems may be exempt from this. (I think my local area transit system deletes funds over time.)
I didn’t ask about that because I want to delete the account completely. I doubt I’ll be back in San Diego anytime soon, and I don’t want to leave the account hanging around, waiting for a breach. The MTS CSR suggested transferring the balance to someone else since they don’t do refunds.
I don’t like to post about leaving home, for paranoia reasons, but I’m on the way home now and just want to say that I LOVE Amtrak! The roomettte was not cheap but its such a lovely way to travel. I’ve seen so many pretty views! And i am also enjoying graffiti, train yards, industry, and the less photogenic parts of town. I was really down on America, because you know, but this made me appreciate it more.
Also, I saw my brother, who is really optimistic as a personality trait, and he left me feeling less bleak. Cuz a couple weeks ago, mentally I was bad off y’all. I spent two-ish weeks at my mom’s, most of that flat with the current flu/cold/plague. Poor vacation but i did get loving comfort from family, so maybe it was just what i needed.
Plus, can i say how glad I am to have taken a train rather than a plane, in these bizarro times? Loving amtrak today, see you soon Kansas City, I hope the snow doesn’t fuck it all up!