Hmmmm. I’ve only done like 2 seconds work of looking but i do see that VLC For Android exists and can play video and music. Maybe that might fit for what you’re needing?
I don’t really need it to play video, just audio… So, the simpler the better!
I thought i had posted this here previously, don’t recall where i found this site. Could’ve been from TOS, but its come in handy when i was looking for a book and most places had it for over 20 bucks. Through this site i was able to get a brand new hardcover version for 14 bucks
Just think of it as a player that can handle video. I quite like VLC on my desktop and i’ve used it more as a music player than anything else, but if you want something simpler i did another search just now and one top rec is PowerAmp
Thanks! I’ll check them both out and see if they’ll work for my needs!
I would imagine PowerAmp is closer to what you need but if neither works let me know
Will do!!!
It worked with music when I tried it, but (at least when I tested it) there was no way to sort album titles while ignoring “a,” “an” or “the.” It’s better (for me) as a video player but it will play audio.