The word is, however, the basis for two very good pieces of music.
At this point, I imagine that the White House is set up like Studio 54 circa its heyday and there is just a platter of cocaine when you walk into the bathroom. It’s like, hey, time to make some calls to our buddies in the press corps!
I strongly (bigly) recommend that everyone listens to this program if you haven’t already:
It’s less predictable and more informative than you think it will be.
he never said if he was standing in front of or behind you at the time of said shooting.
Well, either way, if he’s not shooting straight then he’s got a problem.
But as far as front or behind, I suppose he’s only said which side he’d use when stabbing someone, and hasn’t said anything about shooting…
“A wink’s as good as a nod to a blind bat”
Now everyone knows he’s the poorest person working at the White House
That was excellent. I’ve been looking for reporting like that.
One thing about DT, he really doesn’t seem to get sex. He’s the least sexiest guy I know, and seems to not even grasp the concept of sexuality. His wives are all more like wares he exhibits than people he seems to have any personal attraction to.
Yeah, by now I would have expected some huge sex scandal to have surfaced, but it seems like his genitals rotted off a decade ago or something.
The fact that “grab 'em by the pussy” wasn’t a real sex scandal… is scandalous. And, it is one of the things that makes me wonder if I got slipped some crazy pills, and I’ve been hallucinating wildly for what feels like two years.
Preibus is gone
I’m sure in his mind there is a simple equation:
$ = sex
From Reince to Rancid in 6 months.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. The Nine-Second Loyalty Oath for White House Staff:
Also, that “Hail to the Chief” music? REBOOT!
I am starting to wonder if my country’s ramp up on defence spending isn’t at least partly due to the fact that we share a border with a large, increasingly unstable nation. And how soon we’re going to need that defence.
Wow, this is so insane. I don’t even know what to think about what is going on anymore.
And in Priebus news:
The fandango has begun.
Oh, it was plenty scandalous… okay, obviously not “plenty scandalous” enough since it should have been a complete career-killer. But I just mean I would have expected hookers-n-blow in the Lincoln Bedroom, a revolving door of exploitable young interns… I dunno, I expected a touch more administrative competence, and a whole fuckton more Gomorrah.
I guess at his age he just wants to get his picture on the money now.