I prefer ISO 8601, but I have to use British so other people understand.
Oh, that’s my second favorite! (Mmm. File sorting!)
I use Arabic numerals for day, Roman for month, Arabic for year.
I love it…
I do that too! As in 2024-12-14. (Of course / is out, and I use _ between everything else. Usually.)
Right? Year month day how fucking hard is that? (I use . as separator)
Oh, classy! Do you cross your sevens too?
How did you know?
I do that for dates and phone numbers too.
No, but I do cross my z’s and zeroes.
I’m too old for that.
How much could an egg cost, Michael? $10?
I speke no Frenshe; what be an “egge”?
(Whoops, wrong meme.)
Ich see wat þu didest þer.
I only took 3 week vacation this summer so I can take the rest of december off. Neoliberalism hasn’t ruined everything… Yet.
We get 30 paid vacation per year of course with bullshit caveat that they count saturdays as vacation days.
Wait, how does that work? Are Saturdays part of your normal work pattern? Do you have to take 6 days off to cover a 5 day week?
Not since 1965.
Yes if I take the whole week off. If I take a friday it’s just one day.
I’m having difficulty parsing that!
Boooo. That sucks. If I ever encountered that system, I’d end up booking holidays from Tuesday to Thursday of the following week.