You know what? I’m sorry this has been taken down, because it should keep going. I want someone to add a caricature of a Nazi sculpting the dog. I want a copy of The Thinker with a thought bubble reading “Whoever made this is stupid”, then another statue with a shirt that reads “No YOU’RE a stupid!” I want an Abraham Lincoln facepalming at them all, and a Richard Nixon giving him rabbit ears, and a crying Statue of Liberty, and a grave labeled REAL ART. I want this park to become a gallery crowd…
This is masterfully executed.
May 30, 2017, 7:03pm
I agreed, and so I went and liked. Nice one @chenille !
1 Like
January 14, 2018, 7:55pm
Perspective people; they ain’t all USAians or from Canadia.
Tell that to the girls who can’t go to school because someone in the family has to walk many miles every day to get water and/or the fuel (wood, peat, dung, etc.) necessary to boil it.
Yes, people manage. But when you ask them, they’ll tell you they’d like to have a turn themselves at the conveniences we take for granted.
Yes. Some of them live in places designed for walkability, or that have usable transit systems.
North America (most of it) is not the pinnacle of urban design and transportation.
January 14, 2018, 8:58pm
Whole swaths of humanity live in places not designed for walkability, nor is there any public transportation.
That’s true. That’s why I’m not against cars entirely. I just don’t see them as an end solution for all cases where they are currently needed.
That would be why Europe, China, and Japan use trains?
Anyway, apart from some folks still trying to polish the Insufficient Intelligent AI fece, there’s been some good discussion.
I don’t know if this is appropriate game etiquette, or not, but I really enjoyed these posts.
I literally (as in the literal meaning of “literally”, and not the figurative meaning, over which I will fight you) laughed out loud. More than once.
“Oh, for heaven’s… sir! That is… I mean, Ssskidwish! Ssskidwish, present yourself immediately!”
“Whaddaya want, Lieutenant?”
“Ahem… sir. We’re in public now. Ixnay on the iplay. I’m the social superior now, remember?”
“Ah, right, right… (ahem). 'Ow might I be o’service today, your lizardship?”
[whispering] “Sir, I think we might have miscalculated a bit. I thought it a sure bet that we’d maximize our investment by infiltrating society in the role of fetching and innocen…
"A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Franksenketchup (@Old ). Your ‘biological creations’ idea reminds me of an awful rumor I’d heard recently, from the Historical Society. The story — although only God knows its veracity — is that someone, when asked for their heraldry, provided a drawing of a coat — that is to say, the garment — with humanoid arms growing on it.
"Can you imagine? I can understand messing up the tinctures and mistakenly ending up with armes à enquérir, but in this case, the owner mu…
There’s something about this post…
Oh, it would be one hell of a miracle. When I was a kid, I used to design my own… well, superhero lairs. I mean floorplans containing everything I could think of that I’d want. Huge garages, laboratories, libraries, observatories, secret passages, gymnasia, theaters. Kinda like those myriad cutaways of the Baxter Building (home of the Fantastic Four) they used to periodically publish:
…except mine were always just floorplans, not isom…
This kind of dedication to craft is what I love about the people on this site.
November 17, 2018, 4:46am
It’s a text message piped through base64.
It’s like putting spoiler tags around something, except it takes slightly more work to read it, and the reader has to recognize the output format in order to know what to do with it.
I don’t get it.
It occurs to me that my enthusiasm is a little in-jokey, which is kind of sucky for the folks who don’t recognize the reference, so here’s a hint: (copy and paste).
The encoding bit was the visceral, in-character, icing on the cake, but mostly my admiration was for the commitment to the characters from the RDSA. In my imagination, someone serendipitously ran across an interesting image1 that reminded them of our little game, and then shared that in a way that was kind of both a puzzle and a treat. (I don’t know if that’s really what happened, but I like my version).
cc: @fintastic
1. or maybe not a real image? I have a certain affinity for old-school sci-fi paperback cover art, to the extent that I buy books I’ve no intention of reading based purely on their covers, but I’ve so far been unable to determine if the referenced tome is real or imaginary.
ETA: Doh! ninja’d.
Now I got it.