Love in the Time of COVID-19

I reread my comment and it was overly obnoxious. I guess my anxiety was higher due to medical stuff. I’ll try to read the article when I have time.

You’ve been a good friend here and at TOS and I appreciate it.


Well, gosh. :scream_cat:


I got my second Moderna vax on Friday. Yay!

And since then I have been itching like crazy. No rash, just random areas of itching. It is one of the minor side effects. I guess it’s better than some of the more serious ones, but I could really do without this.


congrats! i am scheduled to get my second Moderna on May 8th. the itching is interesting…


I finally managed to get scheduled later this week for a first shot at a location that’s not roughly an hour or more away from me. It’s about time…


Got an appointment finally, for tomorrow.


I would use other adjectives . . . :grimacing:   Fortunately it seems to be over with.

OTH, this morning I had some pretty awful gastric distress. I don’t know if that was due to too much dairy yesterday, a minor Crohn’s flare-up I can sometimes get, or a reaction to the shot. I assume the vaccine can irritate systems other than the skin.


I got about 3 days of lymphedema in the arm without lymph nodes (Stage 3 cancer), which probably would have been worse if I hadn’t recognized the symptom immediately and started wearing a compression sleeve 24/7 until it abated.

My understanding is that if you have a serious pre-existing condition, side effects are likely to crop up there.


Could you please clarify? Do you have cancer?


when i had COVID last july/august, full-body rashes and itching were one of my reoccurring symptoms. they would come and go daily, moving around, sometimes down one entire side of my body, sometimes just legs, etc. – so it must be related. maybe your reaction is mild because your immune system is experiencing less problems.

the paperwork that came with my first Moderna shot mentioned diarrhea, so it sounds like you could be experiencing some of that. yuck, but still better than a ventilator!


Oh yes, much better!! Though this morning I did feel sort of like the soprano who knows she’s going to die, and proceeds to sing the so-called “die aria.”

with apologies to Victor Borge


Soooo, I just got an auto-call from Rite-Aid about the J&J vaccine and what to watch out for re blood clots, and to call my healthcare provider should I experience any symptoms three weeks after receiving the shot.

My three weeks was up last Friday, and the only problem I’ve experienced is pain in my upper left arm (and the doctor was kind enough not to go through my tattoo).


Oh, I am so sorry, I thought it was general knowledge that I am in remission from cancer (although, still taking daily medicine to keep it at bay).

So no current worries, although I really appreciate your concern!

It’s just that when one has had a serious medical issue, be it autoimmune or something like cancer, it does seem to be the weak spot in the system when it comes to side effects to the covid vaccine. That’s all I was trying to say. I was supporting your thought that your pre-existing condition is probably why you had that particular side effect.


No, it’s not you! Entirely my fault. I’m sure it was general knowledge; it’s just my memory is bad, and now I have vague recollections. But thanks for the note. I’m glad you’re keeping it at bay.

Your comment that pre-existing conditions are weak spots for vaccine side effects is a really good point. I wonder what other folks with such things are experiencing that have such a connection.


I received my first vaccine shot today, of the Pfizer variety, with my booster in 21 days. I’ve had a minor headache and some tummy troubles/explosive diarrhea. The actual appointment was relatively quick and painless, although I haven’t been anywhere with that many people (<20) in over a year. It was a bit stressful, honestly, even though everyone was masked and maintaining reasonable distances.

I fully understand that I am speaking from a position of immense privilege.

In other news, my wife and I enrolled our daughter in virtual school for fourth grade next year. The Kansas state board of education has declared that they will not be allowing remote learning for the 2021/2022 school year, so a couple of the districts (including ours) decided to open a virtual school. With no vaccine on the horizon for her age group, and with the deadline for enrollment being this month, we decided it was the best course of action for our family. She’s done very well with remote learning, so the virtual curriculum should be a good fit for her as well. Unfortunately, not everyone has done as well with the remote experience.


Yay! Congrats!


I know what you mean.

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Just got back from my first Pfz shot. Minor itching that disappeared quickly, now a barely perceptible shoulder ache. I’m sure the side effects will ramp up as my system does its thing.


congratulations! once you get your second dose, please keep us posted on whether you got the microchip, or the superpowers, haha. i mean, on one hand i’d like a superpower, but being connected to bill gates’ hive mind has its attractions, too.