Love in the Time of COVID-19

I don’t think that “sheep” was another word for “groupie”…“bird” certainly, but not “sheep”.

Starting to see pandemic divorces in my extended family. Two different couples both reached the breaking point; one (or both) couldn’t handle spending that much time together, one couldn’t agree over going out partying despite the pandemic.

I wonder how many relationships are getting strained or breaking like that. Feeling really lucky that my wife and I are in agreement about pandemic stuff and can get along in a space together and still each have our own time/space.


This has been going on too long - why the fuck can’t the alleged richest country in the world take care of its citizens???!! And why does it take a fucking pandemic to bring this shit to light?


I really wish the disease only affected the anti-vax, anti-mask, racist, QAnon idiots.

(Quick summary: new mask mandated declared by County Executive effective Monday. On Tuesday, the county council held a meeting to vote against it (which doesn’t have any effect until it goes to court, the mandate is still on, whether or not people are abiding by it). Attendees went maskless… and spread Covid. (And also heckled and physically assaulted a doctor.))


The Man from Mizzurah shows how I feel about that:


Ditto on that.

Someday (if we’re still here) someone will try calculate the monetary cost (since that’s all some people understand) of the damage the orange bilge did to this country. I predict it will be >$10 trillion.


Sydney in lockdown:


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everyone’s a critic!


If my neighbors started playing bagpipes, I’d be happy. I hear enough of lawnmowers and leafblowers and trucks backing up and stuff. Some music would be welcome for a change.

I’ll never understand the people that despise the pleasant sounds of music or children laughing and playing.


Well. Sent to work from home this week, possibly next, due to a coworker testing positive.

While management can’t officially say who it is, unofficially I know, and it’s not someone I have any contact with. Same (large) room with some distance and cubicle walls between us, and though I know the particles can remain airborne for quite some time, I still feel like my risk is relatively low. Based on the timing, chances are I’m either in the clear, or I already have it, passed it to my spouse and we’re both asymptomatic.

I planned to visit my parents next week, but I let them know they can tell me to stay home or get tested if it makes them more comfortable. [UPDATE] They asked me to stay home. A bummer since I haven’t seen them since 2019. I will probably go ahead and take the vacation days anyway and just laze around.


Covid elimination is possible…if you have a society and government that actually tries to do it.


Like NZ?

No new cases since February; is that some sort of record?



In the last few days we’ve had some tourists from Queensland caught visiting Cradle Mountain while they were supposed to be in isolation (Brisbane outbreak began shortly after they arrived in Tas) and a few Tas locals caught visiting family when they were supposed to be isolating (again, because they’d recently been in Brisbane).

Anyone coming into Tas from an outbreak zone has to spend two weeks in quarantine. It appears to be working so far.

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A near miss:

Fuckwit tried to sneak into Tas from Sydney by going via Melbourne. Flew back to Sydney once he found out he was gonna be quarantined if he stayed here, test came up positive after he’d left.

Now we have to wait and see if any of the Taswegians on his flight from Melbourne turn up positive. They’re all now ordered to isolate.




Tasmania has no AFL team, which is a perennially sore spot in Tas politics. Promising to force the AFL to “give” Tasmania a team is a stupid but reliable campaign tactic, as is promising to convince/bribe the AFL to hold a few games in Hobart.

Normally, there might be one or two AFL games in Hobart per year. This year, though, we’re getting a lot more: the AFL is using Tasmania as a backup venue when mainland games get disrupted by Covid lockdowns. We even got some games in Launceston.

Collingwood was supposed to be playing Hawthorn in Launceston this weekend, but the Tas government has just cancelled it as unacceptably risky.

Which is a sensible decision that is fine by me, but: this is in response to one infected guy who is no longer in the state and who never went anywhere except for the airport and the quarantine hotel.

Compare and contrast to the land of Lollapalooza.


…but one day clear ≠ elimination.

On the bright side…