Love in the Time of COVID-19

Okay, IMNSHO this is just gonna give anti-vaxxers more ammo: “Oh SEE - they don’t work, you need more than one or two shots!”


A GOP official from Texas who regularly espoused anti-vaccine and anti-mask views online has died from COVID-19, five days after posting a meme on Facebook questioning the wisdom of getting inoculated against COVID.

In May, Apley posted an invitation for a “mask burning” being held at a bar in Cincinnati, commenting, “I wish I lived in the area!” A couple of weeks earlier, he posted a news article about giveaways and incentives meant to encourage people to get vaccinated, writing, “Disgusting.” Apley also railed against so-called vaccine passports, which restrict high-risk activities, such as indoor dining, to the fully vaccinated.

Recently, he suggested that mask mandates in Germany were akin to Nazism. And when former Baltimore health commissioner Leana Wen celebrated good news this spring about the Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy, a seemingly outraged Apley called her “an absolute enemy of a free people.”

On July 30, less than a week before his death, Apley reposted a meme on his Facebook page that said: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”


Vaccines: good for keeping you out of hospital, and therefore good for preventing the collapse of the healthcare system. Also good for somewhat reducing the chance that you might spread the illness.

But not a magical perfect immunity, especially for the unvaxxed people around you. Keep your dang masks on if you’re in a Covid zone, vaxxed or not.


The Sunshine State has seen a rash of new COVID-19 infections in recent weeks. On Saturday, it recorded 21,683 new coronavirus cases, its highest single-day total since the pandemic began.


Could this be part of the republican strategy to show “gummint can’t do nothin’ right?”

If so I wonder if it’s working with conservatives. It sure is with me, that is if republicans are in charge.


"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.” --P.J. O’Rourke

And boy, have they ever leaned into that.


One of the few things that Mr. O’Rourke ever stated that I heartily agree with. It’s not even real logic but it damned sure is true.

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The basic Covid dynamic in Sydney has been that the most right-wing factions of the business interests that control NSW politics have been pushing from the start for a UK/US style “let 'er rip” approach.

I.e. actually keeping Covid out of the country would require us to risk losing some profit and power, so let’s just protect the ruling class and cull the peasants while we continue business as usual.

This process has been amplified by the ALP-controlled Victoria having a major outbreak prior to Sydney, and Murdoch coordinating with the LNP to hammer the Vic government and turn lockdowns and masking into a partisan issue. This substantially encouraged the late response of the NSW government.

A partial counterforce to this has been the non-NSW LNP-controlled states telling NSW that they’re not keen on the idea of opening their borders to a free-for-all plague pit. As well as, y’know, the advice of every sane medical expert on the planet.

But now it looks like NSW is having another attempt at convincing the country to kill a few thousands or tens of thousands of people.

Also, in the continuing Balkanisation of Australia:

TLDR: the Sutherland shire council closed off a footbridge to stop the dirty poors from the neighbouring regions walking in. But the roads are still open.

Sutherland Shire is the focus of Little-Britain middle class racism in Sydney. There’s a reason the Cronulla riots happened where they did. This is entirely in character for them.


Republican Sen. Trent Garner, the sponsor of the bill that banned forced mask-wearing, has said that he sees his bill as an opportunity to explore other ways of preventing the spread of coronavirus.

“What I don’t want is this false sense of security that masks seem to be providing because it’s an easy political tool,” Garner claimed. “Let’s come up with the real solutions when this happens in our schools, and I think we’re woefully inadequate on that.”

“claimed” might be a suitable verb to describe the spreading of horseshit.


Really? Why didn’t he fucking start this LAST FUCKING YEAR, then? Hm? And couldn’t such “research” be done while people who wanted to wear masks were able to do so?

What an asswipe. I’m sooooo close to being done w/such people. They are getting on my last nerve-ending.


So they’re not rallies for the Gross Orange Pustule, so what? This shit is DEADLY and it don’t care about anyone’s political views.


Journal of the Corona Year — Quest of the Delta Knights


By early June, when my immunity kicked in, I decided to switch to wearing a cloth mask. It allowed easier breathing, longer life and easier folding.

I still had a number of KN95 masks at home. They were ready. Every time I get my floor cleaner, there they are. Waiting in their plastic sleeves for the expected COVID resurgence in the fall.

But now the Delta variant is rampant and the subways are becoming more crowded. I decided this week that I would have to go back to a KN95. I had to remember how to fold that metal strip across my nose.

Tonight I met with a friend and we had dinner. First time I have seen him since November. Time flies during a pandemic.

He told me he has not been vaccinated. He really didn’t have to, I had assumed that was the case. I didn’t bother to ask him why, because the reason would make no sense to me. Something to do with religion, no doubt.

He’s unvaccinated, the Delta variant is blowing around and he works behind a counter in Macy’s. I wonder how much longer he can keep that up? Sooner or later the virus or a city mandate will catch up with him.


If there were better/easier/cheaper ways to limit the spread of respiratory diseases than masks, then hospitals wouldn’t be using masks any more. :man_facepalming:


I spoke to a relative in FL the other day, who confidently told me that most of the hospitalizations there are hispanics because of all the illegal immigrants coming into Florida, and that “if the scientists didn’t want us all to catch it, they shouldn’t have created it.”

I really hadn’t realized they were that much on the conspiracy train before.




I know this is off-topic, but every time I see his surname, I read it as “Bovril”.

And I got that, I think, from a story that I think Peter Ustinov told of his mother coming to England for the first time, and seeing that all the stations had a sign that said “Bovril” on them, and that made her think all the towns they stopped in had the same name.

And how are they arriving directly in Florida? Swimming across the Gulf of Mexico?