Love in the Time of COVID-19

The UK continuing its long tradition of exporting disease to the New World:


ā€œI will lower the stateā€™s IQ one way or another!ā€


Floridaā€™s new state anthem:

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As much as I dislike Biden, he is not responsible for what idiots are doing in their territories.

Maybe he could declare a national state of emergency and send in troops to enforce some mandate against the local governments, but that would be very messy. The question of when itā€™s justified to overrule by deadly force is like tap-dancing on high explosives.

Heā€™s done what he could to make it possible for them to change their situation. If they stubbornly refuse to do so, thatā€™s on them. And unfortunately, on their citizens to suffer the losses.

Just gotta hope the people who suffered will remember that when the next local election comes around.


ā€œWhile we appreciate the attention on our country, the Embassy of Switzerland must unfortunately inform the Chinese public that this news is false,ā€ the Swiss embassy said in a statement posted on Twitter.

Organisations including CGTN, Shanghai Daily and Global Times had cited the so-called biologist based on his Facebook profile.

However, the Swiss embassy said the Facebook account was opened two weeks ago and only had three friends.

ā€œIt is likely that this Facebook account was not opened for social networking purposes,ā€ the Swiss embassy added.

I love the politeness.



One huge change is that the President is no longer demanding that life-saving equipment be withheld from citizens in states with leadership that says anything critical of him:



Since you made the mask policy optional, I intend to opt my daughter out of the dress code. Please make note.

I am writing to request the parent opt-out form to opt out of the school dress code

In light of the opt-out option related to the recently announced mask mandate, I can only assume that parents are now in a position to pick and choose the school policies to which their child should be subject,
As someone who holds a strong commitment to my feminist ideals and my desire to raise my daughter to be a strong and empowered woman able to make choices for herself, I find that the schoolā€™s dress code policy does not align with my belief system. I therefore intend to opt out of this policy and send my daughter to school in spaghetti straps, leggings, cut offs, and anything else she feels comfortable wearing to school.

Please make a note that she is not, under any circumstances, to be dress coded, as I have clearly communicated my decision to opt out of this policy,


It appears that the origin of this was the police hauling an Indigenous man into an infected prison for a weekend and then releasing him after he was infected. Although it is possible that he was infected pre-arrest, that would have been very unlikely if heā€™d been living in Walgett at the time.


This is horrible.


ā€œI understand and I sympathize with everything going on,ā€ school-board member Mark Herrin said during the Zoom meeting Monday night. ā€œā€¦ I consider myself a responsible parent, my wife is a responsible parent, and my kids arenā€™t going to school with masks on.ā€

The fact that few parents were choosing to send their children to school wearing masks, he said, was evidence that most did not want a mandate. ā€œIt just kind of shows me how people feel. Thatā€™s just my opinion,ā€ he said.

At one point, board member Christian Burge expressed doubts about the efficacy of masks.

ā€œAlthough I wear my face masks quite a bit, Iā€™m not convinced that they work, and in order to tell all these kids and adults once again that youā€™ve got to wear a facemask just seems overboard at this point,ā€ she said.



Smallpox blankets all over again.


Thereā€™s no cure for being from Mississippi.

Um, I hate to be the oneā€¦well, no not really; I just found about it recently while reading up on Catherine the Great, which led to me looking up stuff about the blanketsā€¦

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These people are just plain stupid and their kids - for whom they are legally and morally responsible - will have to pay the price in some way; by catching the virus and then suffering the after-effects, or worse.

These are also the same bloody assholes who want to keep embryos and fetuses alive, but who stop caring after they go from inside of to the outside of the womb. Fuck this world.


speaking of all thisā€¦ this just happened in my own damn city! the headline tells it all, and iā€™m sorry but the rest is probably behind a paywall:

iā€™m waiting to find out the repercussions to the parent for all this. it sounds like at least malicious intent to me. now all the students are quarantining, and what a mess.


Do I need to point out that Australia actually does possess trucks and airplanes these days?