Love in the Time of COVID-19

Absolute fairness, they also can’t vaccinate people in the metropolis either.


Migawd, I thought the only gambling there was with money - now it’s with one’s life.

Addendum: I’ve got two free articles left this month after unblocking ads. I musta been reading something about 45 there.

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I bet they even have Sikorsky’s Nightmares!


I’m in lurv. :smiley:

He has the same degree of responsibility as Trump did.

As with Trump, there is a great deal that can be done via executive order and control of federal agencies. This power is greatly enhanced if the wielder accepts that extraordinary circumstances require the modification of previous norms as to the acceptable use of those powers.

The President also has a vast amount of unofficial influence over their own party, a substantial amount of indirect influence over the other party, and even some degree of influence over the corporations that actually control the nation.

The current Covid wave is, for the moment, most heavily focused on the red states. But it is not only there, and it will not stay there. The key flaws of the US Covid response are utterly bipartisan; this is not primarily a GOP vs Dem thing. Lack of healthcare, lack of housing, lack of worker’s rights, poverty, white supremacy; these are all national issues.

By the time this is done, it seems quite likely that Biden’s Presidential Covid death toll will outstrip that of Trump’s.


But what if there are sections of the citizenry who do not accept that?


Well, to be fair, Biden never said it would magically go away or could be treated by bleach injections.



Much smoother media affect. Nowhere near as much chaos on Twitter, nothing to ruffle the feathers at brunch.

And instead of bleach, we get:

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Not for long. But that’s just me.

And what are we supposed to expect from a capitalist-driven economy?

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Sydney outbreak still surfing the exponential line:

Fucked around, found out. The NSW government has spent most of the epidemic playing Russian Roulette with Covid, all so that they could keep the property market bubbling along.


My Mum’s in Orange. They’ve had real estate agents from Sydney allowed to come into town throughout the outbreak.


While I totally agree with you, there’s one little problem on the side. You might not realize just how polarized we’ve become, or how easily people on the edge can be pushed over. Or maybe how gun and explosive happy people are here.

I strongly suspect that if we went along with this

Then a whole lot of hell would break loose. We’ve had terrorist bombings and mass shootings over less. And that was when people weren’t this worked up.

I kinda actually feel bad for the people in charge because they’re walking such a tightrope. And they’re in a situation where doing the right thing, that is best for everyone, is still very dangerous.

How do you approach things when you’re like we could do x, y, and z and protect the children - but you could get shot just for saying that?


Regional broadcaster NDR says 8,557 people have been asked to go back for repeat vaccinations, and so far about 3,600 new appointments have been confirmed.

In April the nurse had admitted giving saline to six people to cover up the fact that she had dropped a vaccine vial on the floor.

But as the police investigation unfolded it became clear that many more people had been given saline instead of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

That’s bad enough, but doing it to the elderly? That’s next-level evil.


Almost as many people as US cops kill each year.