Love in the Time of COVID-19


Yes, but for how long?

The WA, SA and ACT numbers looked a lot better a few weeks ago, but spillover from the Sydney cockup is affecting all of the mainland states. Which is why they’re all getting keen on the idea of severely tightening their border restrictions against NSW.

Once you’ve got it out, strict and competent quarantine is required to keep it that way. But it can be done; there are a whole bunch of European diseases (e.g. rabies) that have been successfully excluded from Australia for centuries.

How Covid would be managed in the Autocracy of Wanderfound:

  1. As soon as a single case is detected, no-expense-spared contact tracing begins. If you aren’t absolutely certain that you’ve identified, isolated and tested every possible contact of the infected person, lock down the city until you do.

  2. Once you’ve tracked everyone down, reopen the city. If you can’t be certain that you’ve caught everyone, the city stays under lockdown until you manage two weeks with zero new cases.

  3. Generously adequate income support and eviction moratorium for absolutely everyone while all this is going on. No bureaucratic bullshit, just pay the fucking bills.

  4. Once you have Covid eliminated, maintain a no-exceptions two-week quarantine for anyone entering the country, provided at state expense. Resource the quarantine facilities sufficiently so that transmission via infected quarantine staff risk is minimised.

This isn’t that far from what was done in Tasmania and some other parts of Australia.


Sociopathic arseholes continuing to ignore the fact that vaccinated people are still able to carry and transmit Covid:

Despite the sunny framing, what he’s actually calling for is quarantine exemptions for anyone who’s been vaccinated, regardless of where they’re coming from. Which would eventually lead to Covid being released into the general community down here.


Yep, no matter who they are.

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The Texas Education Agency said it would temporarily stop enforcing Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates Thursday and the State Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing school districts to require face-coverings. Both decisions are temporary.

The agency said in new guidance that it would immediately stop enforcing the ban on mask mandates until litigations were resolved.

In a reversal, the agency’s new guidance requires schools to notify their local health department if a student tests positive. The school must also notify students in the same classroom as well as those who share extracurricular activities.

No they haven’t seen the light. Furthermore, stupidity has allies.

The State Supreme Court sided with the governor on Sunday, ruling temporarily that schools could not make masks mandatory.

Lots of evil people in power.


Many parents have cursed the existence of the Wiggles, but today they get a reprieve.


“The Texas Governor does not have the authority to usurp the Board of Trustees’ exclusive power and duty to govern and oversee the management of the public schools of the district,” it continued.

“Nothing in the Governor’s Executive Order 38 states he has suspended Chapter 11 of the Texas Education Code, and therefore the Board has elected to amend its dress code consistent with its statutory authority.”


Reminds me of the Looney Tunes “Gone Batty” (1954): “There’s nothing in the rule book that says an elephant can’t pitch! Now play ball!”

Weirdly enough: “Both teams, the Goons, (from Greenville) and Shnooks (from Sweetwater), Greenville and Sweetwater are two cities, in Texas.”

all info from IMDb


I’ve been wearing a mask since March 2020, with a few exceptions, mostly w/folks who’ve been vaxxed and wear a mask when they’re around a bunch of people (my aunt’s b-day party w/relatives who can’t or won’t get vaxxed wasn’t in my control, but it’s been over two weeks and I’m fine) Hell, I just recently figured out how to re-strap (!) my homemade over-the-head masks to be over-the-ear masks.

Fortunately (?!), it’s so breezelessly humid and sunny here, I don’t wanna go anywhere.


Yay capitalism.


In Ole Miss? Wow.

Addendum: This is like TX schools making masks a part of the dress code. These are the kind of local bureaucrats that are sorely needed all over the US. I for one LOVE it.


NZ’s mom, lol. Shouldn’t it be “Mum”?
Will New Zealandñ€™s Mom Let Amber Come Over?: Week in Review | The Amber Ruffin Show - YouTube

There’s a point at which the most mule headed politician can be forced to see reason.

Meanwhile in a neighboring state

Screen Shot 60

nytimes hotspots


Loosian’ don’t change much, do it?



I went to the shops in Beaconsfield today. The Covid precautions (one-way aisles, constant disinfection, etc) had been noticeably slipping over the last few months. They’ve been reinforced now; looks like Sydney has the Tas government appropriately terrified.

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