Love in the Time of COVID-19

“Righteous” anger is much different from the “justifiable” anger. I wish more folks knew about that difference.

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A news story suggesting the COVID-19 vaccine may have been involved in a doctor’s death was the most viewed link on Facebook in the U.S. in the first three months of the year.

But Facebook held back from publishing a report with that information, the company acknowledged on Saturday.

The social media giant prepared the report about the most widely viewed posts on its platform from January through March of 2021, but decided not to publish it “because there were key fixes to the system we wanted to make,” spokesperson Andy Stone tweeted on Saturday.


We need to go back to sending letters to each other. And maybe the occasional tersely worded telegram. Get rid of telephones and anything newer.


So, newspapers (flimsies?) being literally flung into our face, and the newsie kids screaming about how trump has just been declared god emperor, because people can’t text or tweet any more, and all five conglomerates of news are saying different versions of the same thing? Like in the 1880s or the 1980s?

great again what now

Um, what we need to do is get the desire for, if not the actuality of, true and factual information for people to learn from.

I mean, you can’t put all that toothpaste back into the tube, knowatiemeen?

@AndyHilmer: For the press, it’s alllll about the money, just like it was in either the 18- or 19-eighties. Boycotting and/or complaining to advertisers sometimes works, if not the SCOTUS.


Even in social media, they could make some great changes by ripping out the rotten stuff.

  • Throw out the algorithmic feeds that show you what they think you want to see and ‘trending’ things and crap like that. Go back to “These are things that your friends personally posted.” feeds.

  • Do away with any one-click share/retweet/reblog/repost function. If somebody wants to share, they have to at least copy and paste and type something about it.

Two very small changes that could make a big difference.

If that’s not enough, turn most social media back into just an online contacts list / rolodex. If you want to see what someone wrote, you have to click through to their blog or personal site. And if they want to post stuff, that’s where they post it.

I wouldn’t want to see discussion-oriented forums (like this one) go away though.


Some of you ideas are sort of what I had in mind with my facetious comment. What I meant was that social media allows these horrible conspiracies to spread much faster than in the “good ol’ days.” (Not.) It’s like the difference between the alpha and delta variants.

But how do you get corporations to do what is “right” when “right” is counter to what makes them lots of money?


Have enforced regulations, aka consequences when they break the law. Oh wait, first we need regulations that aren’t counterproductive.

I dunno, maybe it starts at a local level?

And definitely honest and factual news coverage of this sort of thing.



NSW state and Oz Federal governments are now making a coordinated and determined push at spinning the line that opening up to infected areas and letting Covid spread freely throughout the country is the only sensible direction. They’re abusing statistics and misrepresenting science, while claiming that “living with Covid” will just be comparable to the flu.

Murderous sociopathic horseshit.


so interesting. her account and timeline really does check out, at least from what i know and what i experienced when i caught it in July 2020. i read that the average number of days from exposure to first symptoms is 5 days, and that’s what hers tracks out to be. that’s what mine was, too. 5 days before my first symptom (a very brief fever spike, for a matter of hours), we had gone grocery shopping at two different stores. we were careful and masked, but not everyone was in the store, or if they were they were chin-diapering it. i’m 100% certain that’s when i caught it.


Time for the vaccine-hesitant to come up with new excuses…

The name Comirnaty—already in use elsewhere, including Europe—is a mash-up of “COVID-19 immunity” and “mRNA” that is meant to evoke the word “community.”

…and hopefully something better than “it has a stupid name” :nauseated_face:


new reason, apparently: QBelievers think that Nancy Pelosi owns stock in Pfizer, so they won’t get the Pfizer shot even now that it’s approved. Also, they reason, her alleged ownership of Pfizer stock is the reason it was approved in the first place. because, sure, she controls the FDA, or something.


Damn, the conspiracies are multiplying faster than COVID. We’re awash in it.

I wonder if they are running out of drug names? That’s nearly unpronounceable. I wonder if anyone has figured out how many 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 syllable pronounceable words there are in the English language.
Side note: I think praseodymium is the only 6 syllable name in the period table.

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Hmmm, nearly rhymes with “illuminati”. :smiley:

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Though the ship sailed out of Texas, which bans businesses from requiring vaccinations, more than 96 percent of passengers were vaccinated and all but one crew member was fully vaccinated, according to the Belize tourism board.


NZ outbreak is still active, which is not good. However:



One case found since then, suppression efforts still continue.


This comes after Hawaii’s active COVID-19 case count soared to over 9,300 infections Monday.

"It’s not a good time to travel to the islands. Restaurant capacity has been restricted. There is limited access to rental cars … and we know that the visitors who choose to come to the islands will not have the typical kind of holiday that they expect to get when they visit Hawaii,” Ige said.