Love in the Time of COVID-19

What’s really dreadful is that people have to be told these things, and even worse - they push back on it, like it’s all personal (screw Michael Corleone and “it’s all personal” - he was a sociopath, anyhow) and meant specifically just to piss them the hell off. What’s the masculine of Karen, btw, re complaining?

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Herd immunity is not “everybody’s already had it, so who cares anymore”.

Herd immunity is “the susceptible portion of the population is such a small minority that any of those people who somehow get infected are extremely unlikely to meet any other vulnerable people while contagious, thereby causing any outbreak to naturally fizzle out rather than spreading”.

Significant numbers of breakthrough cases or reinfections completely prevent that mechanism from working.


Again: guess where the poor/nonwhite people live?

As with the Sydney outbreak, it began in the wealthier/whiter suburbs [1], then spread to the working class regions [2].


[1] because those people ain’t gonna let a little plague get in the way of their holidays, socialising and business junkets.

[2] because these people are forced to keep travelling to their hands-on work, while the professional/managerial class in the initial outbreak zone can comfortably transition to working from home.


Basic, but nicely done:


When even the NRA is saying “yeah, this is too dangerous…”


PRRI’s March survey found that 28 percent of white evangelical Republicans agreed that “God always rewards those who have faith with good health and will protect them from being infected with COVID-19,” compared with 23 percent of Republicans who were not white evangelicals.

The depraved and destestable just-world lie.


The Channel 7 TV news (AKA Kerry Stokes) for the last several nights has included lengthy features repeatedly contrasting the “freedom” of London with the terrible locked down oppression of Sydney, emphasising that “living with Covid” is a fine and normal thing that is working perfectly well in the UK.

It’s rather obvious that they’ve had an instruction from head office as to what editorial line they should be hammering.


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Cooper’s ruling has not yet been put in writing, but he said he plans to sign the order Monday. He added that he expects the ruling to be appealed, which DeSantis vowed to do on Thursday in advance of his loss.


The teacher reported becoming symptomatic on May 19, but continued to work for 2 days before receiving a test on May 21. On occasion during this time, the teacher read aloud unmasked to the class despite school requirements to mask while indoors. Beginning May 23, additional cases of COVID-19 were reported among other staff members, students, parents, and siblings connected to the school. To characterize the outbreak, on May 26, MCPH initiated case investigation and contact tracing that included whole genome sequencing (WGS) of available specimens. A total of 27 cases were identified, including that of the teacher. During May 23–26, among the teacher’s 24 students, 22 students, all ineligible for vaccination because of age, received testing for SARS-CoV-2; 12 received positive test results. The attack rate in the two rows seated closest to the teacher’s desk was 80% (eight of 10) and was 21% (three of 14) in the three back rows (Fisher’s exact test; p = 0.036). During May 24–June 1, six of 18 students in a separate grade at the school, all also too young for vaccination, received positive SARS-CoV-2 test results. Eight additional cases were also identified, all in parents and siblings of students in these two grades. Among these additional cases, three were in persons fully vaccinated in accordance with CDC recommendations ( 1 ).



Earlier this week, leaders at NRB, an international association of Christian communicators with 1,100 member organizations, told Darling his statements violated the organization’s policy of remaining neutral about COVID-19 vaccines. According to the source, Darling was given two options — sign a statement admitting he had been insubordinate or be fired.


Maybe he can find an ethical organization to work for.


OTOH, we do know where the “blame China for Covid” thing began.