Love in the Time of COVID-19

That one li’l drop of sweat says it all.

Would a lobster do as well?

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I guess God’s too busy working through medical workers to be working through his priests?

Sounds like that’s still got a lot of testing and investigation to go, but…



One thing that was notably missing from the Covid response in both Australia and the West in general was any attempt to inform the public “hey, if you are not currently in lockdown, it would be a very good idea for you to build up an emergency store of non-perishable food, sufficient for at least a few weeks. Supermarkets are a major source of spread when an infectious disease gets out of control”.

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It’s impossible to say how much I instantly hate BitCoin Ben. And he would probably hate me too.


one thing I know for sure: I would rather walk the plank than suck on a single stinking lime. In fact, I will be giving a wide berth to any and all citrus fruits the captain brings aboard during this long and arduous voyage, because scurvy is a hoax, and I don’t trust foreign fruit.

You know what I do trust? My own body to protect me. I’m young and fit, and my childhood rickets has almost entirely cleared up. And as far as I can tell, nothing bad has ever happened to a young and fit sailor with just a touch of rickets who heads recklessly off to fight pirates and ghost ships for months on end with nothing for nourishment except barrels of stale, rat-infested biscuits.


Love the attitude, but a couple of problems - someone who stocked up on 2 weeks worth of groceries way back in March 2020 would’ve run out long before now. I don’t know how it is there, but here most people work paycheck-to-paycheck and can’t even afford a small emergency like that anyway.

We’d need the same voice with the same attitude saying something like “The national guard will be distributing food packages. It may not be your favorite foods, but eat it and it will keep you alive.”

People might not’ve been particularly happy with it, but it probably would’ve worked a lot better than having a deranged orangutan telling us to just drink bleach and eat horse worm paste and keep going out to big parties.


As was done in Vietnam. And now in Canberra:

Even with a well-prepared population, you’ll always need some coverage for the people who slip through the gaps. Everything from homeless folk to people who just had an unfortunately-timed freezer malfunction.

You also need appropriate training and PPE for the people delivering the food parcels.

But: the more you do that, the greater your ability to successfully lockdown. And effective lockdown = NZ/Tas/China style temporary inconvenience, rather than everywhere else’s persistently escalating catastrophe.

Lockdowns don’t work unless people are actually able to stay at home.


Nothing that has happened over the last few years was inevitable. It was all the result of choices made.


But what happened was inevitable, given the choices that were made.


Boutique private primary school for the children of rich hippies. $10,000/year tuition.


Yeah, but the medical personnel aren’t the perps - THEY are, with their disregard for life outside a womb.

Addendum: Anyone gives me shit about wearing a mask, I’ll say being alive contributes to my happiness and that happiness is fucking guaranteed me in the Constitution of the USA, and if they have a problem with that, they can tell it to the Marines!

OOH 2 out of 3 - I need as much liberty as I can obtain to have a life and happiness. 3 outta 3, yay!


…and I’d still be somewhat hesitant even then. Breakthrough exists, continuing mutation exists. And that 90% figure had better include the kids.

Basically, stay shut until the only unvaccinated people are those medically unable or intransigently unwilling to get vaxxed. And continue to monitor the situation closely even then (in preparation for a breakout mutation or whatever) and do what is possible to protect the vulnerable.