Love in the Time of COVID-19


As early as February 2020, senior advisers to then-President Donald Trump privately warned of the American government’s Donald Dork’s “critical mistakes” narcissistic assholiness in the looming face of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Hey, anybody seen or heard from @infundibulum lately? Hope she and the fam are ok.


I don’t understand why anyone anywhere who doesn’t trust medical science even the least little bit would go into the medical field, no matter what their job may be.


“165 in a week”.

Note that China’s emergency surge situation is still much better than status quo normality in the US or Europe.



So, 1 in 8 people in the US have had COVID. 1 in 500 have died from it.

Your chances of dying from COVID are 1 in 62 if you are unvaccinated and almost none if you are vaccinated.

AND here in TN, we are number one in the nation on new COVID cases.

It is so hard here to see the posts from the right-wing anti-vax crowd asking for prayers for their loved ones and then when they do die, the don’t mention COVID in the obits. It’s a weird form of denial they are engaging in, a kind of mass psychosis.

Hospitals are full and people with non-COVID issues are beng turned away from routine surgeries.


Meanwhile, in Thailand

Now, those are some green cars! And we all know about the virtues of pink and green, don’t we?

Addendum - best quote: “Thailand went through political turmoil for many years, and a great flood in 2011, but business was never this terrible.”

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Yank his license! Please!!!


“needle rape”??

for fuck’s sake!


My friend down there who had a heart attack a few weeks ago, and had to wait to be seen, is doing well now, but the cardiologist that she was supposed to follow up with has now died.

And some businesses now admitting the real reason they don’t have enough employees is not because “they don’t want to work”, but because they’ve lost some to covid and others can’t deal with the anti-maskers anymore.

Lots of ripple effects.


Footage obtained by NBC New York shows an intense scuffle outside Carmine’s Italian restaurant on the Upper West Side on Thursday evening. The three tourists, who are from Texas, are alleged to have begun repeatedly punching the 22-year-old host after she asked them to show proof they were vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering the restaurant, in accordance with local regulations.

Texas, do not bring your evil here.


I think the loss of so many people as a population is hard for us to comprehend emotionally. Only in the employment are we feeling it at some gut level.

Though I did hear an interesting theory from a TikTokker who said anecdotally that those companies saying how hard it is to get employees are making potential new hires jump through a lot of hoops. She said that the skeleton crews are more profitable for the businesses, but to get the employees to do it, they have to feign that they can’t find new employees. Seemed reasonable to me. It could be a mix of things.


What do we take away from all this? For one, not that vaccines or making them compulsory are part of some master plan for a fascist takeover. Besides the Nazis’ relaxation of vaccine mandates, more than fifty years passed between the imperial vaccination law of 1874 and the end of German democracy, and Germany’s compulsory vaccination program was patently not used by the Nazis to take over the country.

The talk of vaccine mandates as fascism is a function of the dumbed-down way Nazism and its legacy are used in political discourse. The Right will happily point to Hitler’s support for birth control and abortion, or the Nazis’ use of public-works programs, business regulation, and social welfare policies, to argue doing anything similar now will lead to totalitarianism; then they’ll be silent on the Nazis’ militarism, mass surveillance, union-busting, and clampdowns on civil liberties, because they enthusiastically pursue and support those policies in the United States. At the same time that GOP-controlled states around the country have weakened public-health powers in the name of securing individual rights and preventing government overreach, those same states have passed or are trying to pass laws criminalizing Americans’ right to protestor to criticize a foreign ally.


dizzying intellect