Love in the Time of COVID-19

Tesla’s his main baby now (after getting the military and the Space X board mad at him for risking their security clearances with his behavior) and if he can’t make it super profitable during the pandemic he won’t be able to brag about much of anything at all.


I got my letter about me EIC today - which was direct-deposited on April 15, 2020.

And if he hates the USPS so much, why the bloody hell did he have to send out letters using that particular service? Why not carrier pigeons?

Hey, do people still keep them in the US, I wonder? If so, could there be a resurgence in keeping them due to COVID-19? Weird question, but that’s me!


Also, a service in Texas:


Which is a big fat lie because the Mayo Clinic informed the office of the VP of the protocol prior to the visit. Jeebus.


Not to mention most everyone has been doing it to go outside to do anything. But maybe Pence-On-Fire doesn’t go outside.


These people are trusting the US voting population to be totally brain dead.


Just hoping that most of the population hasn’t already heard the “I didn’t wear one because I’m tested regularly so I figured I can’t spread it” excuse, I guess.

Actually think this new excuse is even dumber, since they made the masks available and literally everyone else in the room is all wearing masks in the pictures. You couldn’t take a hint?


Not everyone. See my post about my 'hood. And with at at least five children next door (one infa-toddler), and three tweens across the street. That’s just on my block, too.

Two older men, in their 60s? I dunno, they have white hair, military-logo caps, pudgy waists, et al - were walking side-by-side last month and early this month. They now walk six feet apart, but no masks.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. Too bad!

So estrogen may help protect against Covid-19

It won’t always stop the infection, but it may help.

I can just imagine Trumpets insisting that “Real Men use bleach! Precious bodily fluids! We can’t let the cure be worse than the disease!”


Bleach is definitely a change in pace from the rainwater and pure grain alcohol…


Okay. Topics to discuss after viewing (or not viewing, or not at all :smiley: ) -

Jared Kushner.
Gov. Cuomo.
Oxford’s vaccine trials on rhesus macaques.

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And the guy next door who’s given me trouble smokes his cigarettes outside and I can hear him coughing and hacking. Damn smokers (and the hell with former junkies - there is NO ONE so righteous as an ex-smoker. Trust me on this one)!

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Well naturally the total isn’t going to level off anytime soon (unless this really is end times and the dead start coming back). But look at the per-day cases and deaths:

(curves added roughly by eyeing it)

Can you see anything about those that might indicate approximately when the shutdowns began to take effect? Can you guess, based on the shape of the curve from before the shutdowns, and how high the numbers were by the time they took effect (and how high they are now), what is the likely outcome of canceling the shutdowns now, before those daily numbers start to noticeably and consistently decrease?

Yeah. Any elementary-school kid could take one look and answer those questions.

BTW, your 60,000 count is something I was watching for - that is more dead in the U.S. in just over a single month than the total from 20 years of the Vietnam War. And that war had people out protesting to end the dying. Now we have people out protesting to increase the dying exponentially. We’re pretty close to total fatalities equaling the total from the entire last 50 years of war, in only a couple months time. And people are literally taking up arms and protesting in favor of it, cheering on the virus.

They’re claiming it’s because they’re too spoiled to go a couple of weeks without a professional haircut, but people don’t normally go around waving rifles and nazi flags just because they want a haircut, unless they’re really totally off-the-wall insane. And it isn’t just one weirdo out in the middle of nowhere, who we could dismiss as someone insane. There are a lot of them, in a lot of states, influencing policies, and in our own government, enacting those policies. All the way up to the top, with our own president encouraging them.

This pandemic may be a wakeup call that we have something even more dangerous to deal with. And it might get ugly.



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Trump’s election to POTUS was that call.


Might? Will.


In better covid-19 news, here is the video from Milck’s performance on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee this week: