Love in the Time of COVID-19

Mr Icke has made several false claims about coronavirus, such as suggesting 5G mobile phone networks are linked to the spread of the virus.

In one video, he suggested a Jewish group was behind the virus.

Following the ban, his Twitter account posted: “Fascist Facebook deletes David Icke - the elite are TERRIFIED.”


Um…does he make more money than most people on the planet? If so, isn’t HE one of the “elite”?


Q: When do they get to “Donald Season”?
A: In November!


“Lies and mud make “news”—the truth and flowers do not.” - HST

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” We’re doing a fantastic job containing the virus, but sadly some governors are stooping so low as to fake their numbers—not only with blacks, but with people born in other countries, too. You gotta ask whether they’re just doing this to try and make me look bad.”


Good gravy, that almost had me seeing red before I saw the source.


Journal of the Corona Year

5/01 - Small Signs of Spring

As I have written before, soon after I was compelled to work from home I would take some exercise in the early afternoon and try to find a decent cup of coffee in Bay Ridge. The places I tried were very disappointing. When making coffee they used all the expected equipment and engaged in all the usual activities. But their end results seemed to uniformly taste of instant coffee.

I cannot imagine why this was. It was certainly not because of the water. I can certainly make good coffee for myself.

But as April passed my options became fewer. One by one, all the coffee shops started to close.

Only Rocco’s remained open. Rocco’s is a neighborhood fixture. I had gone there for coffee a few times before COVID-19 hit. Their coffee is decent, which makes it better than anything else in the area. But still it has a an odd distinct flavor I do not totally care for.

As I was grocery shopping on Wednesday, I noticed a new sign on the door of a place called Pep Bakehouse and Coffee Shop. This is one I never got a chance to try before it closed. The sign announced their re-opening the day before, on the 28th.

That was good news. Not only would I finally be able to try Pep’s coffee, but it showed a flicker of hope for the general economy. Yes, if they were re-opening it was because of someone deciding the location could safely

make a little money. It was not because of Nazis protesting with machine guns.

On Thursday I debated what to do. Is it better to preserve the hope of a potentially good cup of coffee, or live with the reality of another disappointment? I went to Rocco’s.

On Friday I took the chance. There was a sign outside Pep asking for only two people at a time. Inside the shop there was a square outlined in yellow tape on the floor six feet away from the counter. There was another similar square six feet behind that. And then six feet behind that there was a solid line of yellow tape cutting off the front of the store.

It was a normal, dark little coffee shop with all the normal equipment. But I’m happy to announce that their coffee is actually good. It was just a bit better than what I make, and that’s all I was asking for.

Pep is a new company. Their website isn’t even compete yet. I will go there again on Monday and hope Friday’s cup wasn’t just a fluke.

And in Minnesota, I was finally able to get toilet paper delivered to my mother’s house from Cub Foods. I had been trying to do that since mid-March. Target, Aldi, Hy-Vee and Walgreens were all hopeless.


He’s a joke, men said so. /s


And that’s the problem I have with the Onion - their stories re the POTUS are too close to actuality.


I bet comedy writers and comedians hope for a happy medium – someone who isn’t so perfect there’s nothing much to parody, but someone who isn’t such a yahoo that satire just sounds like yesterday’s news.

I prefer the former . . .


I think SC’s already said how he’s gonna miss him. I also think SC’s been tippling a bit too much. It’s odd to watch.

Seth Meyers, however, is totally fed up and he reminds me of an engaging pixie who is really trying very much to sublimate his anger into humor. Samantha Bee’s kind of the same way. John Oliver is REALLY restraining himself. I don’t watch any of the others.

I think Joe Biden fits that category…at least for now.


It seems to be a great way to forget all the other obnoxious crap Biden has done.


Not all of us. I’m not convinced that Tara Reade’s claim is invalid.

And this sums up Biden for me (even though the character’s s’posed to be a parody of Dan Quayle, I think):


For me it was Anita Hill, followed by being pretty useless, spineless, and being self-righteous about it… for nearly thirty goddamned years.


See, I read he’s supported a lot of icky crap - like Justice Thomas - but behind-the-scenes. And I just don’t trust anyone who smiles that goddamned much. Like, let me check my chicken house, you know?


Big Gretch!


Can I just forget any morals or ethics I may still have and become an assassin and put some of these folks out of our misery? I mean, Alex Jones…even for Alex Jones, this is disturbing (I just started watching the video btw):

Addendum: Question’s rhetorical, not asking permission or about capability, LOL!

Oh, sure, that sounds completely plausible. /massive eyeroll