Love in the Time of COVID-19

I can dream, can’t I, LOL?


So my state has a reasonable Democratic governor for an otherwise red, bible humping MAGA party. The governor announced lifting some restrictions: you can eat on a patio, servers and front line personnel must wear masks, 6 ft of distance between patrons. Went on a walk with my kids today, and I saw: patrons eating inside crowded restaurants while they wait for their orders to take outside. No servers in masks. Crowded boutiques. Dozens of people in tight quarters for fitness sessions. The fundamental problem with “reopening” is that most people don’t understand nuance. You can do some things safely != you can do all things.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Dr Yves Cohen said a swab taken at the time was recently tested, and came back positive for Covid-19.

The patient, who has since recovered, said he had no idea where he caught the virus as he had not travelled abroad.

Knowing who was the first case is key to understanding how the virus spread.


A relative announced today on Facebook that her daughter’s birthday party plans were changing due to the YMCA canceling her party reservation. The solution is to schedule 30 minute blocks of time that will be limited to no more than 10 attendees at a time.

We will not be attending.

I think “10 people” has become the “5 second rule” of this pandemic.


Hard to tell if this is good news or bad news.


Journal of the Corona Year


On Sunday I went up to Target at Atlantic Terminal. I should have written about this on the day. Work has suddenly become so busy that I had to work all Sunday evening. My heart wasn’t in it, but I was doing my part to support the global economy.

The Atlantic Terminal “Mall” was mostly deserted. In fact I think Target was the only business open. There were barricades set-up to keep customers from straying too far. I guess Chuck E Cheese is considered nonessential.

This was only my second trip to Target since the quarantine began. I used to go there once a week on my way home. It was now operating at approximately 50% capacity.

Most people were wearing masks. One comedian had a paper bag over his head with two eyeholes cut into it. Not a bad idea. But in spite of his genius it must have been impractical. He had it pushed back on his head exposing his face. Spreading laughter and disease.

Target staff was guarding the disinfectant aisle. Only a certain number of customers were allowed into the aisle at a time. There was an area roped-off where customers could wait — six feet apart — until they were let in.

So after two months the mass-buying of cleaning supplies is still going on. Most of the people waiting in line didn’t look like the MAGA crowd, so I assume they weren’t drinking it. Where is it all going?

I went to the mad-house of Target to look for lightbulbs and a hair clipper. I had a revelation last week that I should probably cut my hair myself. I’m sure I would a terrible job but at least it would be shorter.

I found the aisle where the clippers would have been. Everything that would have been vaguely useful was completely sold-out. A lot of other people appear to have had the same revelation I had.

The trip was not wasted, however. They did have my lightbulbs.

Due to the continued level of work, I did not get a chance to revisit Pep yesterday as I had planned. But I managed to go today. I also went across the street to the Walgreens.

Even though it was noon Walgreens was so empty I didn’t need to wait outside. The door guard was standing in the parking lot not knowing how to pass the time.

All of their hair clippers were gone too.

Name-brand toilet paper has returned to the stores, but I have a feeling it will be many weeks before I see a hair clipper for sale.

I have to options available to me: Prepare to look like George Harrison, or prepare to look like Tele Savalas. I’m leaning towards the latter.

At Pep I ordered an Americano. It was thin and had that odd Bay Ridge flavor to it. So today was not a good day.



Now, who was in charge during that time…you know, that thing that happened that we shouldn’t forget …it was about, what, nineteen years or so ago…?




Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office of the White House on Wednesday, Mr Trump said: "We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country, this is worst attack we’ve ever had.

“This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this.”

Good thing Space Force is here to protect us!

And here is the new Kim Davis:


There goes the “blame it on Obama” instinct again.


I’m sure they have measures in that state to provide food assistance to everyone who needs it - and then there’s the food banks, both non-secular and secular. What, are she and her employees too proud to accept charity? Sheeet, ain’t gonna put on weight swallowin’ yore pride, hunnay!