Love in the Time of COVID-19

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Someone from the house next door to me died. The funeral cortege just went by. Itā€™s storming here, lots of thunder. I still donā€™t know if he had COVID-19 or if it was heart trouble, as heā€™d been hospitalized for that a few years back.


If it was COVID19, I hope it wonā€™t spread through your neighborhood!


Me neither. I have no clue, as they had people from outside their household coming over even before the ambulance came to their house the second time. Iā€™m not even 100 percent sure it was him - but I havenā€™t seen him in a while, soā€¦

It sucks because I think it was him who tried to persuade the assholey-guy from whispering threatening-sounding obscenities outside my window. And we always waved at each other.

AND - the people to the south of me had folks outside THEIR household over last night. SIGH.

Theyā€™re having a wake as I type this. People are parked on both sides of the street, making it a one-lane street for most of my block.


This is actually pretty ingenious. Depending on the thickness would probably want to double-layer it, and needs socks that are clean and in good condition, but still a lot less time consuming than other methods.

Not every idea is as useful:


Elastic behind the ears is problematic for us bespectacled folk, but it is ingenious.

The second example Iā€™m even less likely to try. :scream:


Also for the latex-and-spandex allergic hansa.

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oh that was funny!

A local gym owner I know has COVID-19 and her husband and all of his work crew.


The state that made Scott Walker famous.


[Edit] Took a bit to sort out all the info, but apparently one of the other issues is that they are back-dating data to the date that a personā€™s symptoms began, rather than the date the disease was confirmed. Which means charts of the number of confirmed cases will always look like theyā€™re trending downwards, due to the lag between when someoneā€™s symptoms start and when they get tested, plus the lag in getting the test results.

Probably a good thing to keep an eye out for in other places, thatā€™s a sneaky way to tilt the numbers.


Journal of the Corona Year

5/15 - An Exciting Malaise

Yesterday, after working from home all day, I went to the large grocery store on 3rd Avenue at 91st Street. I had lately been avoiding it due to all the panic buying. For the past two months it had been filled with edgy people anxiously filling their carts with whatever they could get their hands on.

You would think a large grocery store would have more room to avoid people, and more ready supplies. But the opposite seems to be true. A large grocery store is apparently what panicked people think of first.

But I hadnā€™t been there for a few weeks and I needed a walk, so I went.

When I walked in the front door I was shocked. Something was noticeably different. It was silent. Where is everybody? I blinked and looked around. There were indeed a lot of people there and they were making the usual noise. It was busy, but it was a normal kind of Thursday evening busy. I havenā€™t seen that for a while

If the customers of this store have gone back to more normal buying habits, Iā€™m going to take that as a positive sign.

Today we had instant summer. 80 degrees with humidity. Around noon I noticed the smell of humid summer air coming in the bathroom window. A smell I havenā€™t smelled since last September.

After work I walked past Fontbonne Hall Academy. Attached to the wrought iron fence was an large, inflatable, mylar ā€œ2020.ā€ On either side were the senior pictures of the graduating class. Each picture was a glossy 18x24, laminated and attached to the fence with zip ties. There must have been at least 30 on each side. This was in lieu of a graduating ceremony. The pictures could be closer together than the students.

The Wicked Monk was open for takeout, as it has been for the past two months. But tonight summer had arrived. There were approximately a dozen people standing on the sidewalk holding large plastic cups of beer. They were trying to keep social distance, which made it take longer to walk through them all. I passed by around 6:45, so they were still sober.

So here it is, a warm Friday night. What shall I do? I guess itā€™s time to mow the hair off my head again. Itā€™s been almost a week. I think Iā€™ll try 8mm this time and see how it looks.


Love this headline: ā€œMitch McConnell: My Bad, Obama Did Leave a Pandemic Playbook But I Couldnā€™t See It From Inside Trumpā€™s Assā€


Such an awful story. Iā€™ve personally really looked up to John Iaonnidis, and this whole debacle is so upsetting.


Everybody wants to make a buckā€¦


Is that official? If so, itā€™s disapointing.

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