Love in the Time of COVID-19


Sadly, Yes.

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From the article (emphasis mine):

“Biden loves this,” Eric Trump told Pirro. “They think they’re taking away Donald Trump’s greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time…You watch, they’ll milk it every single day between now and November 3. And guess what: After November 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear, and everybody will be able to reopen. They’re trying to deprive him of his greatest asset.”

“Make no mistake,” Eric Trump added, “to a lot of them, this is a very cognizant strategy that they’re trying to employ…It’s no different than the mail-in voting that they want to do all these places. It’s no different than wanting illegal immigrants to vote.”

Perhaps I’m thinking of this too logically, and obviously this argument isn’t for my benefit, but wouldn’t COVID-19 have already magically disappeared in all of the states with Republican governors?

I’m not surprised, but it remains remarkable that a party that controls both the White House and the Senate continues to present itself as the victim.


It’s always projection. When supervillains lose in the real world, they don’t complain about the ungrateful world, instead they keep trying to convince the world that they weren’t doing anything wrong, they were just calling attention to the evil of their enemies. Through theater. It was all an act!


It is. I think it started out with someone doing the hat as a gag and it turned into a real product.


Anything to get people wearing masks in public.


In her ruling Saturday, U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto sided with probation officials who described Shkreli’s stated aim of developing a coronavirus cure as the type of “delusional self-aggrandizing behavior” that got him his sentence in the first place.


What next? “Do you buy that… the earth is less than 6024 years old?” Because geology and archaeology and dendrochronology are also a Chinese-Democratic plot to hurt Trump?

I can’t watch the video, of course.

But these things always undercount the mortality. There are more deaths due to Covid-19 than the medical system can confirm, and there are more excess deaths due to the epidemic, strain on the medical system, etc. than that.




(this appeared on the front page of google news, by the way)


Views on politics

Blaylock has called the American medical system ‘collectivist’ and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia.[20] He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.[20] Schwarcz characterized these positions as “conspiracy theories.”[20]


Just that headline…something eating him…for a change. (see what I did there?)


No doubt being a neurosurgeon makes Blaylock believe he knows a lot more than he really does. A lot of MDs tend this way, but surgeons are the worst.



He also states that the widely used artificial sweetener aspartame is toxic[15][16] and may be the cause of multiple sclerosis.[17]

One of my family members was diagnosed with MS roughly around the time Aspartame was first approved by the FDA (I think even before it was approved), and recently died due to the degradation caused by the disease. The disease was discovered in the 1800s, and aspartame wasn’t synthesized until 1965. So if that sentence is accurate, I really don’t think this guy’s statements are worth much.



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Yeah, if he was at all competent he wouldn’t need to pack stadiums with people or suppress voters in order to win. If he was competent, he could get the mail in votes. But they all know he’s not. What’s amusing is that they don’t even appear to recognize that the elderly and rural voters, who tend to lean Republican, are key demographics for mail-in votes.

Are we taking bets on whether he’s been using his newfound free time doing some experimenting on himself after a few drinks?


For whatever faults old people in the country have, they make a show of being practical.

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Journal of the Corona Year


Yesterday I needed to go to Target, so I took the subway up to Atlantic Terminal. This is the first time I have ridden on the subway since the daily cleaning regimen had been started. Early every morning, between 1:00 am and 5:00 am the entire system is shut down and time is taken for all the cars to be cleaned with care.

The results were visible. I was amazed how clean it was. I don’t mean the stations — nothing will ever get those clean. But the interior of the cars actually seemed to be clean. Normally, even when the debris has been mopped away, there is still a film covering all the surfaces. But now that film was actually almost gone.

And the homeless people. They were almost gone too. What had been done with them, I cannot imagine. I still saw a few homeless people, but they seemed prepared to leave when asked rather than permanently reside.

Target was about as busy as it was when I was there two weeks ago. But this time it felt less safe. There were a number of people not taking their masks seriously. They had the masks under their chins or, even worse, under their noses. There is nothing quite to rude as following a safety precaution and while negating it at the same time. It’s like a restaurant owner installing a bug zapper and leaving it turned off so he doesn’t have to empty it.

But there were positive signs in Target as well. Some hair clippers had returned to the shelves. Not many, but there was one from Wahl that was equivalent to the Remington I found last week at Walgreens. And the waiting area for the cleaning products aisle is gone. Once again customers can stroll past cleaning products whenever they chose.

I left and took a walk south on 5th Avenue. Having lived in bay Ridge for the past 3 years I was very familiar with the southern end of 5th Avenue, but I decided to get some fresh air while seeing what the northern end looked like. It was very nice. It soon dawned in me that I had entered the zone known as Park Slope.

I soon realized that most of the quaint stores and restaurants were open. The sidewalks seemed dangerously full of people. At least once per block I would have to stand in a doorway to allow a group of people pass.

By the time I got to 6th Street I had had enough. I walked to 4th Avenue, one block to the west. Although real estate developers are trying to change it, it’s a totally different world. A bleak, sun-baked urban landscape devoid of humanity. A safe place to be. I could breath easily.

Today I thought about that cheerful letter from the IRS promising me a direct deposit of a little more than $500. I checked my bank account online. Despite the bold signature from the so-called president, there has not been any deposit from them.


It reminds me of the medical societies which spend most of their time fulminating against abortion or medicare or both. Some of them have published papers on COVID-19, to humanity’s detriment, as they masquerade as scientific for purposes of fooling credulous journalists.