Love in the Time of COVID-19

The guy must be from a red shirt state.


Things must be getting bad. Pence is actually accepting reality.


Despite the hype, the video wasnā€™t produced by a tabloid (e.g Business Insider). Instead, itā€™s from the UCSF press office.


This movie weā€™re living in is a lot scarier than Alien.


ā€œFauci said today that heā€™s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things,ā€ Patrick said in a clip from the June 30 show. ā€œHe doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about. We havenā€™t skipped over anything. The only thing Iā€™m skipping over is listening to him.ā€

Patrick claimed Fauci ā€œhas been wrong every time on every issue,ā€ but did not elaborate.



Projection. Itā€™s always projection.


Where did all the arrogant stupidity come from?


Imagine a urination epidemic in a nudist colony. Nobody can hold it in, and itā€™s unconscious. Soon, everyone is covered in pee. Some people put on pants and are no longer pissing on (and off) their friends, but some unrepentant nudists are still wandering around, urinating on everyone. Even the people with pants get wet.

Finally, everyone gets together and says, ā€˜look, weā€™re all wearing pants until we figure this outā€™. So they do. Their culture has to change a bit, but itā€™s better than being drenched in urine. Now everyone is only pissing themselves, and not soiling the entire community. Itā€™s not perfect, but it helps.


So much so that it misses the point of not wearing pants?


Journal of the Corona Year

6/29 ā€” This documents a moment in time, it took me a week to write it but it has no answers.

This Sunday I ate out for the first time since February. I arranged to go with a friend. He had been working at Macyā€™s until they closed in mid-March. Iā€™ve written about him before. I will call him ā€œReg.ā€

We werenā€™t sure what to expect. We decided to get pizza from a place on Montage Street in Brooklyn Heights. Pizza seemed like an easy food to eat if we had to stand on the street.

We met in front of the place. I asked Reg what he thought of my hair. He approved.

The restaurant was nice. Everything seemed normal, except that the seating was off limits. And so was the bathroom. I didnā€™t order anything to drink.

On the generous sidewalk outside they had set up four tables, each with two chairs. Reg and I picked one and sat down. At this point we had to remove our masks. The table we were leaning across was not quite 3 feet wide. But what could we do?

The pizza was very good. I can make a very good pizza myself, but there is something superior about a restaurant that knows what itā€™s doing. And Monty Qā€™s knows.

Macyā€™s re-opened a week ago. The doors are open but thereā€™s no one home. Apparently the store is deserted. I wonder why. Sales were down even before a poorly-managed pandemic. Management is still deciding who to permanently fire. Reg, despite being a long-time employee has not been called back yet. I thought he had offered to pay because he was back at work and was feeling confident. Now I felt guilty about letting him.

Eventually our conversation moved toward the Black Lives Matter protests. He asked me particulars about the nightly vigil I had been attending. He told me he was dubious about the protestorsā€™ motivations. To him, they seem to be protesting because itā€™s a trendy thing to do.

This stunned me. I had known Reg was less than enthusiastic about the protests, but until then I didnā€™t understand why. He was frequently on my mind at the protests I had attended.

Let me introduce you to ā€œReg:ā€ He is exactly the same age as I am. He was born and raised in London to West Indian parents ā€” a son of the Windrush Generation. In the early 1990s he emigrated to the US for reasons Iā€™ve never fully understood. In the late 1990s he served a couple years in the US Army, also for reasons Iā€™ve never fully understood. He was married here and had a daughter. His great passions in life are exclusive trainers and obscure recorded music. He has lived through some highs and some extreme lows.

If you have something planned outdoors in New York during the summer, a heavy rain normally develops. Sunday evening was no exception. For about half-an-hour enormous raindrops fell. It hailed. Monty Qā€™s staffed rushed out to bring their tables and chairs inside. We continued talking under the AT&T store awning.

What he said stunned me because he had me thinking. This was a point of view I had not even considered. He had seen too many oblivious people throughout his life to be taking this seriously.

I pushed back that everyone I had seen at protests were diverse and meant what they were saying. And furthermore there was value in having large protests ā€” if there is one thing that motivates Americans itā€™s the desire to be popular. ā€œTheyā€™re even going to change the Mississippi state flag. That wouldnā€™t have happened without masses in the streets.ā€ He conceded I might have a point there.

Reg told me there was something better I could do. He said when I encounter racist behavior, I should confront it and point out how wrong it is.

I had to think. Had I been doing that? Yes. I would say I have been doing that for at least the past 10 years. It bothered me, honestly, that he didnā€™t think I was doing that already. But the trouble is, I donā€™t really encounter that sort of thing in my daily life, aside from my mother or Instagram.

Reg and I are very similar people, but there is a core to each of us that can never be touched by the other. We have experienced life in two very different ways.


Youā€™d think even a really stupid MD would know better.


Forgotten Ron Paul already?


Then thereā€™s Bill Frist, another republican physician/dumb person.


And another con goes virtualā€¦


The only con not going virtual is the President!


And literally, medically viral. Donā€™t forget that.


I have a rash between my ring and middle and middle and pointer fingers on both hands from handwashing and doing dishes without gloves. Itā€™s not pretty, and Iā€™m hoping to cure it at home instead of having to go to the doctorā€™s office.

And then thereā€™s this, which sent me into gales of laughter: