Love in the Time of COVID-19

Went on a short pre-curfew trip to the chemist (pharmacy/drug store) and supermarket. Left my place at 6.30pm! Wore these:

How am I doing at adulting so far?

  • have not taken a shower today;
  • still in yesterday’s clothes;
  • have I eaten? it’s already past lunchtime;
  • to-do list for the day only slightly shorter than this morning.

Yeah, in comparison, you’re adulting beautifully!


I changed the sheets on my bed, took a shower, made chocolate sugar (was trying to make fudge - am going to try cooking it some more and see what happens) as I used granulated sugar instead of powdered (and the p-s container WAS RIGHT THERE IN MY LINE OF VISION).

I’m working on getting myself geared up to do a Edith Ann/Dot Goddard-style video called, “Trixie’s Hats!”. I would be six years old (no glasses) and would talk about my hats while wearing them and pretending to be different people wearing them. It could be good for about twenty videos, not sure; I haven’t counted how many hats I have, but there’s at least twenty. And one in the garage, lol.



That was yesterday.

Holy fucksocks;, it has been that long ago already, hasn’t it?


I want one of those! Blast those germs back in the mask-hater faces.


Lol, thank you! But what I didn’t say was that before I got ready to leave my place, I hadn’t washed my hair for about five days, was on the third day of the same clothes and hadn’t showered for two days (saving water while washing my hands about 30 times each day, right?). So I’ve got quite a large dose of imposter syndrome at the moment!

Oh and things are escalating quickly here. Workers at businesses which are allowed to remain open now require a permit to travel to and from the workplace. Has to be reissued weekly and include the hours they’re working each day. Which means that in my job, we’re issuing permits to hundreds of people and will now be operating 24/7 in case police enforcing said permits call to check. So instead of working 4.30am to 8am, morning shifts are now 1.30am to 8am. There goes any semblance of a routine I had.


Holy crap, so much of this article is nightmarish that I can’t even pick anything to quote aside from the final bit:

On Wednesday, the school addressed the controversy that had swirled around the viral photograph via an intercom announcement from North Paulding High School principal Gabe Carmona. In it, according to two people familiar with the situation, he stated that any student found criticizing the school on social media could face disciplinary consequences.


What’s the consequences for the parents if they decide to do so?


This falls under the category of “Things I Never Would’ve Known Had There Not Been a Global Pandemic That Was Not Properly Handled by the U.S. Government”:

I really would love to go there someday. Even if it is in Chicago (keeping up the alleged pretense of a rivalry between the Motor City and the Windy City).


School administrators being almost universally petty little tyrants, I’m sure they will try to make the kid suffer one way or another if the parent speaks out. (Not that this is a reason for parents, and, well, anyone really, not to throw an absolute shit fit over this mess.)


“Getting death threats for me and my family and harassing my daughters to the point where I have to get security is just, I mean, it’s amazing,” Dr Fauci, who has become a household name in the US, said.

“I wish that they did not have to go through that,” he added. “I wouldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it… that they actually threaten you.”


When asked why the students were required to attend school in-person while waiting, the spokesperson said that parents had been given a deadline to register for the virtual academy.

“All of the parents who registered their students by the deadline were accommodated,” the spokesperson said. “All of the students on the waiting list are students whose parents missed the deadline, so of course, we are asking them to attend in-person instruction while we try to find additional teachers to accommodate more virtual students.”

Hambrick said she mistakenly thought, until the Open House on Friday–after the on-line registration deadline–that masks and social distancing would be an integral part of the safety practices at the school, and that’s why she tried to sign up for the on-line classes when she did.


She and her sister then tried to sign up their children for at-home, on-line learning, but all the spots were full.

What, they didn’t have enough modems?


It’s like health care, housing, or voting. If you don’t restrict access, it’ll be worthless. /s


Could have stopped there. :wink:

But, apparently that particular school system is learning that being a tyrant can backfire…


But links between cases can be less clear. It’s not very difficult to get a list of guests at a house party, especially if the size of the gathering is limited. It’s much harder to figure out if two sick people, with nothing else in common, attended a restaurant at the same time.

It gets even harder if they’re not asked about it.

Thomas and Sidelinger acknowledged that contact tracers do not notify the patrons of restaurants where those cases pop up: OHA doesn’t have the contact tracing capacity to do it.

“We just don’t have the manpower,” said Sidelinger. “But that certainly doesn’t mean there’s been transmission in those settings.”

But it absolutely, positively does not mean that there hasn’t been transmission in them! WTF?

[Edit] and, unusually, some follow-up information from the journalist: