Love in the Time of COVID-19

Three weeks ain’t gonna do shit.


That sucks. I’m sorry. I hope they’re both going to be okay.


Thanks, I think they are.

UPDATE: My friend’s hubby’s been taken to U of M Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI; they live near Lake Orion (the accent is like that of “oreo”). She symptom-free physically but a basket case emotionally (her words). I love her nickname for him: Hubzilla. They are a good pair.


I think - and this is just me - she’s just using that to prep folks for an extension. How anyone can ignore the fact that shit’s gonna get worse is beyond even my imagination.

And the folks next door keep having gatherings of more than one household…


But “fuck Christmas”, right?

I would think that the FLOTUS saying that would be enough for his base to turn their backs, but don’t they have a body-double theory or some crap like that?


So…I signed up for screening for COVID-19 vaccine testing. Someone from the study center - Henry Ford in downtown Detroit - will be contacting me to schedule an appointment. And it’s paid, if I qualify.

(if I’m going to do something essential, I might as well go all the way, eh?)


What are people doing about Thanksgiving? My mom invited us for a small gathering but I am too nervous. She isn’t great w masks or hand washing and her husband works at a grocery store. They won’t mask in private with us. Her stepdaughter abc family had COVID so they are probably safe. I said no but wonder if we get tested maybe we could do something at least with mom?? She’s getting tested before a medical procedure this week.

A week after Thanksgiving my sister is coming in from Utah. Mom wants my daughter and me to cold for that visit. My sister is a nurse so gets tested, but also will be traveling.

I really don’t want to get sick.


We don’t usually go visit or have visitors on Thanksgiving. We have a couple times, but our usual thing is just to order a ready-made meal from a restaurant, catering service, or grocery store, eat, and then watch movies like Thankskilling or Tucker n’ Dale vs Evil so that’s what we’ll be doing this year.

The Christmas party is our big one - two extended families, travel, 1-3 days and nights of drunken revelry. This year it’s canned. So far the only thing I’ve heard is that we’re supposed to donate to a charity instead of the usual yankee swap gift, and tell the group what we donated to. I suspect someone will set up a video chat party.


We originally had plans to drive down to my in-laws’ new house and gather with about 6 other people, but we cancelled that about a month ago. It’s just going to be the two of us, and the plan is to grill jerk chicken. Thanksgiving falls on my birthday this year so there’ll also be German chocolate cake :slight_smile:

In a survey, 40% of respondents apparently plan to go to large Thanksgiving gatherings and not mask. Because apparently the virus hasn’t been spreading quickly enough.


Just from my own experience (and I am definitely not a doctor): depending on airline and the airports involved, there’s a lot being done to lower the risks with air travel. I’ve mentioned seeing a fair number of lapses in judgement, but in general everyone in the airports I’ve been in has been wearing masks, and three of the four flights I’ve been on have also kept an empty seat between each filled seat (the exception was a larger plane with seven-seat rows, which only kept an empty seat in the middle three-seat block empty… I’m not sure on the justification of that). They also frequently distributed hand sanitizer during the flights. Once the plane is airborne the air circulation is supposed to be good enough to keep down particle concentrations, and they’re trying to board/deplane people a lot more quickly these days.

Unfortunately, there is still risk involved, and whatever the chances are of a test not catching an early infection. So it comes down to your tolerance of the risk and knowledge of the people involved. :neutral_face:

I have an open invite to spend it with friends and their family, but last time I did that with this group I ended up getting sucked into discussions of politics and how racism doesn’t exist any more. With the way things are after the election (not to mention the viral spread), I’m not sure I want to dive back into those waters. So, I’m probably going to cook myself a nice steak dinner and send around well-wishes by phone. :smiley:


Barricading myself in my home and telling all who are not currently on the resident list to bugger off.

So, not much different than any other year. :slight_smile:

Having been physically distant from family for 30+ years means Thanksgiving just isn’t a big deal to me.


oh shit


We usually have my mom over. Not this year, though. We are talking about setting up an online meeting for family, though, to do a test drive on Thanksgiving, so we can repeat it for x-mas…

If you’re nervous, you shouldn’t feel bad about not wanting to go. And of course, you want to keep your parents safe as well. With how things are going (especially here in the south), most of us should not be having gatherings of any kind. It’s not worth the risk, honestly.


This being Michigan and all…we will stay in, natch. But with less family, since my brother has no spleen and his daughter’s roommate was exposed to the virus.

So I get to cook, and my son gets to help wash up. And we get to be thankful we’re both alive, despite that fact that life basically sucks being broke, lol.


It’s tough because my sister lives in Utah. I haven’t seen here for several years. My mom is a couple of hours away. Even though I haven’t seen her much this year I can see her as often as I like.


It’s been just the two of us for years, because family is so far away.* So it won’t be any different than usual. But rotten that we can’t go over to see friends.

*Plus two cats of course, who will be wanting some turkey.