Marjins Þridus

Sadopolitics, xenophobia, borders…


Nazis. These guys hate us. 60,000 of them marching in Warszawa.

I had linked to another article, but the link didn’t work.

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The Left-Overs: How Fascists Court the Post-Left.

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Petition for political prisoners:

Discussion of technology:

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I’m morbidly curious as to what kind of “type” these stupid product development types think I fall into.

Another petition:

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Long, and horrifying, but important reading:

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Reportedly the wells are being poisoned on orders from the Australian state…


Have you heard the episode of The Intercepted that covered Tigerswan?

Plenty of articles on The Intercept, too:

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@sarahrubywrites is probably the best source for as-it-happens coverage on Manus.

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I usually skip podcasts-- they take a lot of time, and I can’t read anything during that time or I lose my place in both-- and I would definitely skip one with that fucking slur in their fucking intro.

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How wrong can one comment be?

From a comment to the transadvocate here:

“B. Since there is no such thing as a third (or fourth, fifth, etc.) gender for any species, including the human species, then of course you are a Marxist regurgitating the latest Marxist societal sabotage operation.”

First, what does Marxism have to do with trans feminism?

Second, how is advocating for our rights “the latest Marxist societal sabotage operation.”?

Third, how many genders do side-blotched lizards have?

…which appears to be the modern equivalent of “Jewish Bolshevism”:



Of course Project Veritas spy for the police, as well as publishing disinformation for the Republican Party…

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Torture state:

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It is absolutely fascinating the small handful of papers that bigots grab on to to justify their beliefs. The Swedish paper (that doesn’t actually have any negative interpretations, but is constantly misread anyway), and the “desistence” paper (again – grossly misrepresented) are the 2 academic papers that probably 90% of transphobes rely on. Throw in Blanchard & co for the remaining 10% and any unbiased individual would be shocked at the poor sourcing of these claims.