Marjins Þridus

At one point I had probably all the original Twilight:2000 rules, modules, etc. Great setting (for the time) but terrible mechanics.

I think my group played two or three games before jumping into something else


I have much the same horrified reaction to the traditional interpretation of the othismos:


I really don’t understand ASuffix’s reasoning here:

I mean, the 1st argument is demonstrably wrong, and the last is… just too confusing.


Yeah, they’re just arguing in bad faith there, using convoluted reasoning based on racist thinking, that people of a certain “race” belong in a “certain place.”


Yes, in the last statement (NOT the first one), ASuffix is starting off with a factual statement, which applies to things like Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the White Savior Complex, etc.
It is racist to assume that people (from other places not in power - edit is mine) cannot look after themselves, yadda yadda yadda…

They then try a disinformation tactic with the “removal” statement, applying a layer of fallacy as if it’s a logical “next step” to a conclusion. They know exactly what they are doing. Skilled manipulators can pull this off most of the time, but this person seems rather clumsy at it.


Not to mention that it’s usually the rich people in the countries people are attempting to escape to who are screwing up the countries people are trying to escape from. And their actions are justified or ignored because of racism.


And every time there’s a discussion of immigration, the vast majority of the responses are sado-political.

Now I don’t know what’s going on. Are the vast majority of the public pro-cruelty? or do all these discussions attract a minority who are pro-cruelty? If it’s the former, how do we begin to respond?

Most political issues are complicated.

Immigration is simple: hurting people, to enforce white supremacy and/or to enforce white supremacist laws and/or to enforce laws because they’re the law and don’t you dare suggest changing the law, is WRONG.

Most political issues you can assume someone on the other side still has some ethical concepts in common, with which to discuss the issues.

Immigration leaves me thinking most people have no ethical concepts in common with me.

P.S. Ironically, a classical racist or eugenicist who believed “inferior” groups would outbreed “superior” groups could conceivably support restrictions so “superior” groups can build civilization without getting overwhelmed by “inferior” groups. They’d be factually wrong, and in fact morally wrong, but they’d at least have a reason.


Of course, somehow it’s the same people who say white people are superior because Europe took over Africa and not the other way around, and insist that they should be cowering behind walls or the inferiors will overwhelm them. The conclusion always comes before the reasoning.


If the people living in Germany had behaved like civilised human beings there would have been no problem.


Judges who demand eye contact should be disbarred.


The entire “criminal justice system” is a big dick-swinging contest, full of self-selected assholes.


Urgh. Bad day. Nasty migraine, severe nausea. Because of migraine need to eat and can’t cook. But only foods available contain fructose, which means more migraine, more nausea. Meanwhile construction firing generator and shaking building.


I have severe hyperacusis and a nasty migraine right now.

I got hit with a pain call. I actually answered, despite the pain from ring-beater and the painfully loud speak-beater.


“This is Windows customer service…”

“I don’t understand. I don’t use Windows.”

“You are [something]?”

“I don’t use Windows.”

“You are [wrong name]?”

“No, I am not.”

“Stop lying.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Stop lying, you are [wrong name].”

“DON’T ACCUSE ME OF LYING.” (slams phone down.)

phone ring-beater hits me again


“Stop lying, you are [wrong name].”


“Stop yell, and stop lying, you are [wrong name]!”

“STOP ACCUSING ME OF LYING YOU FUCKING LIAR!” (slams phone down again)

I know I should be nicer, but I’m in a shit-ton of pain, and getting hit with more pain because of the pain calls, and it’s not appropriate to accuse people of lying when they’re putting up with your painful pain calls and pointing out that they’re not who you think they are.


There is no reason to be nicer to the scam callers. Legit callers maybe, if they are people just doing a legit job, but that Windows scam is straight up bullshit, and you should not feel bad about being rude to them. They are trying to steal from you, so fuck them.

I hope you feel better soon.


I didn’t know about the scam at the time.


I’ve gotten a few of those calls over the years and one time I had a virtual machine I was working on and decided to “play along”.

After about five minutes of playing stupid, I was bored with the whole schtick and may have become a bit argumentative with the scammer on the other end. This was less boring.

We went back and forth for while with the insults escalating from one side to the other.

At one point I believe I referred to the the scammer as, “You silly, little, fuck boi”

Silence followed by “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!!”

“I believe I said you were a. Silly. Little. Fuck. Boi.”

The scammer then went into a tirade in his native tongue and abruptly hung up.

I don’t believe I had every used the phrase before or since, but it definitely struck a nerve.


There’s an idea. If one of these scammers ever calls me, I’ll do the same thing, but with dirty talk.


Considering this was probably a scammer, this was the proper response, pain or not.

I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Maybe deep down in your heart, you knew, even if you didn’t know.


It’s well past midnight.

I’m tired. I want to sleep. But someone’s IDLING THEIR CAR A BLOCK AWAY and with all the shaking, I can’t sleep.


@#$% exit popups.

People are openly selling anti-accessibility neuro-attack software.