Marjins Þridus

I don’t know if this website has problematic formatting for you (it looks like it might, as the website seems interactive and a bit glitchy), but it does have barometric pressure for the past 2 weeks, at least (looks like it has a pull down for months). You’ll need to set it to your location, of course:

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Thak you. I find this more readable:


Cool! Glad you found something that works for you! Looks like a useful website in general.


Harassing people and telling them to kill themselves is a silencing tactic

In practice, it is a form of censorship. Even if harassers like to claim it is free speech. For several reasons, it tends to silence minority views and minority perspectives more than majority views and majority perspectives.

One reason is the Petrie Multiplier-- When you have multiple groups, and harassment of outgroups, those in the smaller groups are likely to face much more harassment than those in larger groups. When you have two groups, a and b, the amount of harassment each member of group b faces is proportional to the square of the ratio of a to b, and similarly, the amount of harassment each member of group a faces is proportional to the square of the ratio of b to a.

Another reason is unequal vulnerability-- for example, it’s easier for attack-posts to injure someone with photosensitive epilepsy like Kurt Eichenwald, or with ptsd, or with phobias, than someone without. This has the effect of discouraging discussion of these things. Similarly, it’s easier for doxxing to hurt undocumented immigrants, domestic violence survivors, so on.

Another reason is that power structures tolerate “punching down” but not “punching up”-- so harassers tend to target marginalized groups and/or personally vulnerable individuals.

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It’s not just a silencing tactic directed at its immediate targets, either. It’s also a threat: “Keep quiet, or you’re next.” To borrow a term from Techdirt, it’s chilling the speech of people who those in power disagree with.

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Woke up with an awful migraine and swollen lymph nodes. I feel like I’m going to throw up, and don’t have anything to settle my stomach.


Is anyone here familiar with the Old European controversy? And Old European loanwords into the Western Indo-European languages?

I’ve tried to hash out what I know, and some possible leads, here, but it’s just made me aware of what I don’t know. And of what I think I need to know before reading some of the more controversial work.

Awful migraine. Mild this morning but getting worse and worse all day.

I need to sort out whether Medicaid will cover my referrals to 4 doctors. My case manager hasn’t gotten back to me. Websites for the 1st to say to make pain calls about that. I hate pain calls even when I don’t have migraines, and I often get migraines from making pain calls, so I really hate pain calls right now.


I’m trying to find a way to report the accessibility problems, and keep getting referred to a pain number, which is an accessibility problem.

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It’s not funny, it’s evil

I’m sick of ableist “humor” such as:

  • Beating people up for being disabled, being queer, being ethnic minorities, or for other differences. Bullies started beating me up when I was 6 years old, and beat me unconscious at 16.

  • Deliberately triggering people’s seizures.

  • Deliberately triggering people’s ptsd.

  • Deliberately triggering people’s panic attacks. In April, I asked for accessibility help dealing with dogpics, and I got a harassment campaign. Reddit user UnalignedRando purported to have help, and sent me pictures of dogs and today a video of an attacking dog.

  • Deliberately triggering people’s allergy attacks.

You get the idea.


That’s horrible. People are awful.


I have instructions for how to use wxdemo to test pdf loading speed. I finally got wxdemo working a few days ago, but I can’t see or edit the code because of blinding cursors.

I filed a bug report here:

I asked for help here:

I am using MacOS so there is no system-wide fix. Is anyone aware of another fix?

So apparently, the far right like machetes shaped like early imperial gladii to “defend the republic” from dissent and brown people.

I don’t know the size, but at 1st glance it seems shaped like some “Mainz-type” gladii from the early Julio-Claudian period, or some “Pompeii-type” gladii from the late Julio-Claudian or early Flavian period. It does not look like the few surviving middle or late Republican gladii, which tend to have longer points, curving into the rest of the blade.

Early Roman Army reenactors in Britain tend to carry Pompeii-types, because that’s period-appropriate. For them.

And the late Roman republic had aristocratic mobs ready to kill to “defend the republic” from land reform, or an expansion of citizenship, or a census they couldn’t rig…


Not sure where to post this: