Put together an evacuation kit with enough games and snacks to keep yourself occupied and entertained for at least 72 hours, and be prepared to log out at a moment’s notice. Plan a safe place to shelter until services are restored. For example: http://www.lifewithcats.tv/category/video/cute-cat-videos/
Remember not to give in to despair This too shall pass. Your fellow mutants will still be mutants, and think of the stories you will have to share!
One lesson learned so far: If you are restoring a backup, make sure that the user that initiated the restore will be present afterwards. I spent far too long waiting for the backup to complete because that user couldn’t get notified.
Google logins should be working, and maybe Yahoo since there doesn’t seem to be anything site specific to it. I’ll try to get Facebook and Twitter updated shortly, but I’ll need volunteers who currently use those login paths.
Once I check and tweak a few more things, I’ll be asking for testers. Please let me know if you’re interested.
Twitter and Facebook logins should be working now, and Google should continue to work. I’ve disabled Yahoo since my brief test failed, and since there is nothing to configure for it I can’t really troubleshoot it.
Does anyone want any other login options? GitHub?
I’ve turned off read-only mode for the time being, but it is in no way live, and it contains data from an old backup anyway. Please take some time to kick the tires and report back on anything that seems out of place.
In particular, please make note of any of the following:
Social logins (Google, Twitter, Facebook) not working.
Make sure that the pop-up references Elsewhere.cafe, not HappyMutants.space
There should be a relevant logo, where applicable.
Browse around the site, making sure the following are working:
Links to posts should point to bbs.elsewhere.cafe
Images should be hosted at bbs.elsewhere.cafe
Basically, make note of anywhere that references HappyMutants.space instead of Elsewhere.cafe.
Anything else I haven’t thought of.
Report back anything you find to this topic. I’ll add it to my list, and I’ll work through them as quickly as I can.
My hope is to do the final cut-over this weekend, assuming no show-stoppers are discovered.
Thank you for your help, patience, and understanding.
I’m thinking since the new site is from a backup, it’s running on an older version of Discourse. Maybe that’s why it’s using different badges? I recall at least 2 upgrades since the site debuted.
I don’t really care about the badges (I already know I’m a BBS addict), it’s just fun to try to troubleshoot.
I can’t explain the admin interface, but the new badge is probably Discourse version differences. I checked over at the Old BBS and they have Enthusiast/Aficionado/Devotee badges for visiting 10/100/365 days straight.
Um, what am I missing? Been working so much my brain does nothing but tell me to eat and relax when I get home, except when I need to do work about the house, in which case I still want to eat.