Not Feminism 101



Unfortunately sounds about right.

If it’s about your abdomen and you have a vagina, it’s automatically about sex and reproduction. My first major gall bladder attack was dismissed as an ovarian cyst because I had one of those at the same time. The level of discomfort for gall bladder attacks is several times higher than the kind of cyst I had.

But if you have a vagina and your health complaint is not about your abdomen, they’ll make it about your sexual reproductive parts anyhow, like when I got told my earache was really symptoms of pregnancy.

Either way, you’re just a vagina and uterus – which will be treated badly/incorrectly and dismissed.


WHY THE FUCK ISN’T THIS HAPPENING IN THE USA? I hate to use the word in the context of cowards, but are we US women a bunch of pussies, lol?


Because the Capitalists have ensured that we’re mostly one paycheck away from starvation?


See, this is why unions are important. If you make enough money to pay union dues, the union - allegedly, unless they don’t have the funds for some reason, like embezzlement - will take care of its members when they’re striking. Most women - hell, most people - in the USA won’t go on strike because they are afraid of losing their jobs and sinking into poverty. So what’s really different in Poland that these women on the picket line?


I don’t know about Poland, but in other countries unions have continued the guild tradition and kind of act like a co-op for working people. They might run something like a rec centre, for instance.

Unions who are just insurance policies for strikes trend not to be viewed as very union-y IMHO.


Look, one would think that he’d be happy that the Oscar has his middle name, okay?

And she was so ahead of her time, but copped to having the desire to be loved, to have good sex - oh wait, that’s not being a soppy female, that’s being HUMAN.


There are many Southern people who are, and have been, fighting desperately for a woman’s right to choose for years, so to discount the entire state when a relatively small group of hypocritical, power-hungry politicians and Christians are gaming the system is morally repugnant.


Then those people better start making more noise, because that’s the name of the game these days, it would appear: Be louder than anyone else, no matter what you’re saying, just so you can someone to LOOK at you, much less listen to what you have to say.

And that morally-repugnant minority that’s making the decisions…and HOW did they get into that position of power, tell me again? And that begs the larger question - why is the South still the way it is? Because the people who control things keep handing down their ways of living and thinking to their descendants?

Women in Poland REFUSED TO GO TO WORK over THE SAME DAMNED REASONS. Do they have better unions? Better support systems? Are they simply willing to take the risks that go with striking? Why the FUCK aren’t we doing this here, as I asked earlier?


“The egg in the lab doesn’t apply. It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant.”

What I’m getting is that they don’t actually care about zygotes, they care about punishing women. And since pregnancy almost only affects women, that’s a convenient way to punish women.


No unions, no history of unions, fifty years of suppressing all social dissent so no living memory, no real upheavals in the state apparatus of control during that time.

Not so with Poland… all they have to deal with there are the Catholic bigots.

In 'bama they also have to buck the entire country-club establishment and the cops and enforcement of poverty and lack of rights. Entrenched with little real disruption for three hundred years. It is different. Like Poland a hundred years ago.


I think that the fact that they don’t understand women’s bodies is a feature, not a bug. These men find women’s reproductive systems repugnant, disgusting, foul, and are attempting to regulate the fullness of life away into something sterile, manageable, following logical rules.


Some of it may be envy - it’s a POWERFUL thing to carry and nourish another living being within one’s own body. Men can’t do that, and I think they’re sickly fascinated with it.


Um, most of Poland is Catholic, so that would be, like, (nearly) ALL the bigots, then perhaps? And didn’t AL accomplish something with the bus boycott? Or is it simply not possible to do things like that over sixty years on?


Poland’s Cold War history, I think. First, although these societies under communism were shot through with misogyny, women took the communist rhetoric about gender equality seriously and pushed for it during that time. I know that women were grew up in East Germany are entirely comfortable with being in positions of power over men compared to women who grew up in West Germany.

I also think Solidarity plays a big role in expectations of Polish citizens today, as it was one of the few independent unions in the late cold war period in the Eastern bloc… It is, in fact, still around!

Contrast this with the US, which has seen the steady erosion of industrial labor unions in favor of the service sector, which was never as heavily unionized… Bethany Moreton made this argument in To Serve God and Walmart:

We have! We do! The nature of mass media means you only hear the bigots, who are thought to represent all of the south, as if we’re a monolith.

Some tried, and the media ignores it.

And there is a strong workers/union movement in the Catholic tradition, too. Not all catholics are small minded bigots…


And also Pagan bigots, I’m sorry to say.


I truly am sick-minded; I could combine my depression with my objection to so much shit going on this world, but I probably wouldn’t get my figurative or literal 15 minutes of fame.


Interesting she’s memorialized in Germany, but there’s no mention of similar happening in the States. (I mean, it’s Wikipedia, so maybe there is and it’s just not listed.)


She did it not even six months after I was born; and I was raised in Detroit and I never heard of her until I was looking for another example of a local self-immolation (which I haven’t found documentation for yet, and it occurred in the 1980s, I do remember that much).

This has a photo of where she did it. West side - I dunno if the gap between East and West still exists in Detroit, but it certainly did when I was growing up - but still…