Not Feminism 101

Perfect answer is perfect:


I love how they used the photos of male nipples to both cover up the female nipples and emphasise how freaking absurd the nudity policies are:


This is a good gif set…


Oh wow. I could see myself sending that to my nieces in a few years. They’re still too little too hear it now, although the oldest one is starting to figure out some of this for herself.


Let’s pardon the war criminals and let the rapists in. I guess they can try to make their recruiting numbers that way?


Especially when you consider that it is now well established that freezing is a very common human reaction to danger, not just fight or flight.

A recent example:


In their ruling Monday, the judges also cited the fact that the female cadet could easily identify Whisenhunt as one of her classmates, and the fact that he did not attempt to clean up the semen he left behind in her sleeping bag, as reasons to believe it must have been consensual.

Whisenhunt “would have needed to anticipate that LM would not report his crimes at a later date, when the record is devoid of any evidence that LM could not identify him, that she was incapacitated, or that he had threatened or coerced her,” the judges wrote. “Furthermore, appellant left his semen on LM’s bivy cover, and there is no evidence that he tried to remove this evidence.”

Ah, yes, the audacity defense.

“He couldn’t have possibly thought he could get away with it, so we’re going to assume there wasn’t a crime and let him get away with it.”


Sheesh. I know of an experienced police officer who froze when she was assaulted. So tired of fact free “reason”.

ETA: also tired of the “consensual” defence. Too few people, men and women, know what enthusiastic consent looks like.


In other words, nothing has changed in the last 30 years.

I can remember sitting on my front porch as a teen, reading an article in Sassy magazine about harassment and sexual assault happening to females in the military. I could have joined up-- my grades and ACT/SAT scores were good enough that I was getting invitations to apply from the armed forces as well as colleges-- but knowing the level of hazing (or worse) I’d get was part of the reason I never seriously considered it.

(I was never really interested in the military in the first place, but that article sealed the deal.)

As shameful as it is that such things happen, it’s even more disgusting and shameful that it’s been happening this long, and is still happening today.


From the Brave Humans Come Forward thread, by me:
“It pisses me off that it HAS to be a crap-show for everyone involved when a woman gets raped and reports it. It pisses me off that it happened in the first place. It pisses me off that men get away with it and that we’ve made such little progress in the way rape is viewed since 1978 - I was in eighth-grade, and my middle-school in Detroit had a RAPE SEMINAR - yes, to teach MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS how to avoid if and what to do if attacked. I don’t remember anything mentioned about most rapes being made by a person whom the girl already knew, only stuff about strangers.”

That’s when the so-called school-girl rapes were being committed in my 'hood in Detroit; I went to Alexander Hamilton Middle School, which is west of Chalmers and bordered by Chandler Park Drive on its north-yard side. So 41 years.


The first time I heard about anything like this, it was in the context of people drowning. I was never a strong swimmer, but neither was I ever afraid of the water, and it was kind of eye-opening to realize that people might (and often did) drown primarily due to a sort of mental freak-out rather than any physical limitation. The brain is weird, sometimes.

The Instinctive Drowning Response—so named by Francesco A. Pia, Ph.D., is what people do to avoid actual or perceived suffocation in the water. And it does not look like most people expect. There is very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind.


I remember being pressed to jump into cold water, or once pushed in. So I’d mentally prepare. I’d breathe out, breathe in, so this time I wouldn’t react the way I always react. I would jump. And then, automatically, when my body hit the cold water, spasm out, as my head came down, spasm in. It’s a reflex. It could be the spinal cord, for all I know. It certainly isn’t a conscious reaction like panic. That comes after the reflex.


The Notorious RBG heaps praise on Kavanaugh, and in a professional venue too.


What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual hell?

Kavanugh and Gorsuch are literally monsters who do not value other human lives (but do fetishize fetii) and who always put corporate profit ahead of public interest.

Thomas, Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch should be sacked.

White Establishment Dems have a lot to answer for.


You have to think like a lawyer.

The reality is Kavanaugh is there. RBG can’t get rid of him on her own, but she can make him feel good about working with her – and voting with her. She’s a far more shrewd master of psychology than most politicians.

Even public outrage can work for her. “See Brent, people will come 'round to you if you do good…” Not that she’d put it that baldly, of course.

She got him to vote against what people expected once. She seems to be working on doing it again.

It doesn’t matter he’s a POS. He’s a POS with a vote on the US Supreme Court.

I will note she didn’t seem to praise Scalia this much, but Scalia was smart. Kavanaugh doesn’t seem to be.


Seizure warning for Contrapoints’s “Beauty” video.

I’m very sick after seeing part of the intro. She’s used flashing lights before, but never this intensely or this fast.




From the well:

Well, that is the story no man wants to torture themselves with, the testicular susceptibility we have to violent ideation. It’s like a sickness, but not with consequences apart from those we inflict.