Not Feminism 101

Robots just being robots, amirite?


Watching the following video reminded me of the time a different video of a dad explaining something had a thread on the BBS: I think he was a BBC consultant somewhere in Asia, and the video showed his kids coming into his home office while he was talking on camera. He was displeased and flustered by these creatures interrupting him, and his wife was desperately trying to get them away as soon as possible. At the time, I didn’t know how to word my concern properly, and was roundly chastised by several other posters that I just didn’t understand the situation. But here, we see what happens when a dad who is actually a dad – someone who has a real day-to-day relationship with his child – gets interrupted by that child while in the middle of explaining something to a public audience. It’s night and day, to me.


The big difference with that one and this one, he was doing a live news reporting segment for the BBC.
So he couldn’t just stop and interact with his kids, he was live on air with millions of viewers… but yeah, it felt weird to me too…


The other part was that his wife was Asian, and despite him being an expert on Asia (so, you know, he’s spent a lot of time there, met some people, maybe married one?) people assumed she was the nanny.


Actually, what I noticed at the time was that people assumed that anyone who expressed a negative opinion was assuming that the woman was a nanny. Which was particularly galling to me, though I didn’t say anything then.


Bolts with spanner sizes on though. Thats brilliant.


I love this girl:


Ooooohhhh… now that you mention it, yeah! I don’t remember reading or hearing anything where anyone actually said “I just thought she was the nanny”.

Thank you for pointing that out.


Anyone who pulls shit like this or says (like some of the commenters) that Mysty is making this up needs a good dose of instant Karma right in the kisser.

Basic sexist bullshit pushed me right out of TTRPGs. A group of people I thought were friends were not quite this bad, but as “friends” they didn’t need to be. It contributed heavily to my Depression, and probably delayed my recovery by years. The closest I have come to getting back into the thing I loved is @wanderfound and the GURPs game and @messana and the amazing badass crew we’ve got here. You all have been (and are) amazing and fantastic.

Unfortunately, outside of spaces like the BBS, where no concerted effort is made to provide a safe and welcoming space, it still isn’t fun for women and girls who just wanna have fun.


My brothers took me to Ad Astra when I was 17, in 1989.
I walked into the gaming hall to find one of my brothers and I swear to god all conversation STOPPED and heads whipped around to look at me. One of the weirdest moments of my life. I applaud this woman for going into their ranks and engaging them. I turned on my heel and ran.



I have an account with Dungeons & Dragons Online (haven’t played in a while due to lack of computer), and almost always play solo because of other men and boys. Fret, fret…


Thanks for sharing, @MalevolentPixy .

The oblivious dudebros in the response section are alarming. Men not giving a damn about being thoughtful - and more inportantly, inclusive - are the cherry on the shit cake that is the gaming community. Resorting to personal attacks on the author shows how innate sexism is to dudebro gaming culture.

Sorry. Guess I mansplained the article. (Goddammit, men).

Dudebros don’t see women as people, and I think they don’t want to. None are so blind as the deliberately ignorant, after all.


Like a lot of “women are taking over X” articles, there’s historical erasure of older films. But it’s a good survey of a current trend.


Never heard of the terminator films?


Think that would be covered in the “historical erasure” - but also, there was a LOT of tokenism in older movies.
18 guys, and one “strong female lead” does not a balance make.


Well, since you’re a gamer, the best news is you can help. Just don’t be that guy.

I actually had a great encounter online, last night with a guy who let me cough in his ear (I honestly didn’t realise my mic was on and he laughed when I realised and apologised, but more in a "I wondered what was going on way). Good gaming/geek guys exist, and you’re one of them. The best solution is for the good guys to outnumber the bad, and if you see toxic shit, call it out. For every dudebro who can’t respect you for being a downer and suppressing their expression, a thousand women will thank you.


I am glad that they noted that getting women behind the camera is as important as getting them in front.

Simply having female characters isn’t enough if they are filmed for male fanservice (as in the gaming article I posted: if the “strong female lead” is being portrayed the way that one guy portrayed his character, we’re getting nowhere).

On one of my favourite shows, the showrunner, a guy, stocked his writers room with fair representation and made a rule of “no damsels in distress”. Consciously making those decisions is a big deal, bigger than just an “all female cast”. And apparently, a lot of writers and other staff are finding that they would rather work with women directors and showrunners because there is less drama, less “I am in charge OBEY me” bullshit and more collaboration. Women are getting shit done without stressing everyone out and leaving them in tears.

That’s what’s going to change things. Movies like Get Out and Black Panther didn’t just need a black lead or majority cast; I don’t even want to think of what would have happened with a white director (studios can be stupidly insistent). Look at WW, versus Justice League.

Don’t get me wrong, I am glad to see more women in better roles onscreen. But it’s offscreen representation that means tropes like the “dead girlfriend” and “fridging” are becoming rarer (not gone… I still see lots of dead girlfriends on my TV, but less as time goes on), and why less of those characters are being introduced high-heel first (though I would forgive such an introduction if the high heel were being slammed into someone’s face).


Do NOT read the whole thread. Men who have never and can never experience menstruation or childbirth should never ever give their opinions on what it feels like (those who have, already know).