Not Feminism 101

This is why none of the “Men’s Issues” group on campus ever get off the ground.
Because they don’t have these conversations, even though thats what they say they want, they are incapable of framing the discussion in a way that isn’t a direct assault on women and feminism. So they get shut down, every semester. Its so frustrating! Because I would actually like to talk about men’s issues! Isolation! Depression! Diet! Serious fucking issues for many men!

Also, on this note, if you haven’t watched the new “Queer Eye” - omg do. Serious onion chopping. Some of these dudes are just sad and lonely and trapped in their own worlds of hurt. It is an emotional makeover more than a physical one. Its nuts!


Oh no. That’s not good. There’s no way they would choose to disappear, because they know Pussy Riot is an international symbol of rebellion and hope. They know people would worry.

They gave their all.


More and more I think people are starting to see that men’s isolation and lack of color in their lives is a problem for us all. I think the men’s groups in a way do have the right idea that they need support, too, but I think the problem is that the people attracted to them are so limited that they end up reinforcing a lot of the same bad ideas that led to them being cut off.

When I went to Fire Island with my daughter for the Invasion of the Pines it was so freeing to be in a space where men wore color, dressed up, sexualized themselves, and where I was not sexualized. I can’t even describe the power of being in this alternate reality for a day where no one was looking at me, and men were free to be sexy and fun and playful. It made me realize how limited most straight men are in their expressions of themselves.

We really need Queer Eye for like every straight guy.


Totally agree. My husband grew up in a really hyper masculine household. I feel like I’m always telling him “You don’t have to do that for me.” You don’t have to pretend not to be worried, or afraid, or push yourself when you’re tired or sick. I think now that we’re having a son, he’s realizing more that he can’t set the example of stoicism that his father set for him, and so he’s starting to free himself up more to behave as he thinks he should, as opposed to the examples he has in his life. I also think watching his father become feeble and sickly precisely because he will not ask for help plays a role.

Men have to talk about masculinity. But I don’t really know how to support them in doing that.


I’ve heard of people choosing to disappear before someone disappears them, if you know what I mean.


Pretty sure that is in response to this whole The Shining controversy.

Its like Nicholas Sparks. Who insists he doesn’t write “romance” when that is EXACTLY what he writes.
But, both fanfic and romance are predominantly written by women… and Sparks and Christopher are not… so obviously they could never ever write fanfic or romance! No no on, it must be something other/better than what those silly girls are doing! /eyeroll


I got about three paragraphs through that interview. The author used the word “intellectual” to refer to either himself or his work at least three times. Gag.


Nicholas Sparks lives about an hour from Wilmington, in New Bern, NC. I have known a few people who have had contact with him and he is apparently a giant ass. Also, women leave flowers on his porch EVERY DAY. One cool thing, though, I’ll give him props for writing a good romance novel - my ex went to a book signing event he did and I have a signed copy of Dear John that he gave me for a Christmas present.


I can’t do it either.
I just start yelling at my computer…

“No no no, I don’t do fanfic or AU writing, and I certainly don’t need to mention Stephen King or acknowledge him any way shape or form.”


I hope that doesn’t mean squeezing it out of his ass.


I mean, you totally should just disregard all story arcs and writing processes when you’re in undergrad for writing right? You don’t need to learn those things before you just get really high and re-write The Shining “in a trance”.

I am going to go blind from rolling my eyes trying to read that interview.


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Exactly. I’m really loving the flood of women centered stories on Netflix. And funny enough, even my ultra make Hubble gets into Orange is the New Black and GLOW. Because storytelling.


(also male hubbie, not make Hubble)


Maybe she has a HUGE telescope that she made?


I can’t believe we’re still having this conversation after Frozen.

And The Hunger Games.

And the Terminator films.

And Mad Max: Fury Road.

And after, not so much the film, but certainly the Tomb Raider games. Sure, Lara Croft’s boobs, but you gotta play the freaking game. I know a dude who spent hours finding the one spot in her home where it was possible for Croft to get killed (you have to jump off a staircase just right).

If the story is good and isn’t too mushy ('cos lots of women hate that too), men will happily line up to see a women-led film. Some men won’t, and they may be vocal about it, but it seems there aren’t that many of them after all.

Ditto there are women who won’t watch a film centred on men. Yet no-one worried about losing their ticket money.