Not Feminism 101

Yup, exactly. The other half of our bicameral legislature (apparently it was the Senate that passed it first, not the House) has to pass it, and then we join Nevada as two of the necessary three states which have ratified after the deadline. When (not if!) we get the third state, then we have to have a federal legislature willing to officially excuse the lateness. Then, and only then, 51% of the population gets included in the Constitution, finally.


It’s bizarre to me there was any controversy about it at all, but then, I’m just a woman.


My fear is that they include some sort of definition along the lines of “equal rights whether a man or woman” and still leave non-cis folk in a quagmire.


Both Sanders and Harris voted for fosta.

(And the fixing-posts breaks-posts bug strikes again…)

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That’s so sad.


Okay, this might sound weird…

Has anybody here ever read the book “The Dirty Dozen” by E. M. Nathanson? Because it gives a detailed look into the masculine psyche. It’s vastly different from the film in that you know what’s going on inside these men who’ve been damaged to various degrees. Folks tend to forget the movie was based on a book; they remember Lee Marvin and Donald Sutherland and Jim Brown and all the gunfire and explosions.

If anyone does decide to pick it up and read it. It’s a long book, but well-written and worth the read. Trust me on this one.

And I just Wiki’ed him; the author died last year. DAMN.


Multiple times. The movie is okay but the book… Damn.

I wish I knew where my copy was for a re-read, now.

ETA: it’s also one of the better depictions I have seen as to how racism produces stereotypes. White acts like a thug (despite being an intellectual) because no one treats him any other way. Even in what the movie turns into a redemption moment for him (life turned around by the white saviour who taught him self-esteem) he’s motivated in the book by the lifetime of racism.

Seriously good, complicated book, better than the movie but no happy ending.


I love you even more now. I thought I was the only one who’d ever read the book. I kid you not.

Also, Reisman’s conflict between being half Jewish as a religion and a nationality/ethnicity and half Roman Catholic as a religion and Italian as a nationality/ethnicity. The theme of Law vs. Justice vs. Mercy, too, is handled superbly.

I found out from his Wikipedia entry that he heard the taie from - get ready - Russ Meyer! WEIRDDDD!!

And my copy’s falling apart, but a repairable hardcover.


Yeah, the movie really lost Reisman’s perspective by making him a white Southerner who is part of the power structure. It’s partly his own fight for identity that makes him identify and sympathise with the marginalised misfits – he has far less sympathy and understanding for the racist and the mob psychopath.


The text of the ERA is pretty straightforward, and I see no danger of such abuse, especially in light of growing legal precedents acknowledging that LGBT issues should generally be considered subsets of gender equality.

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

If anything it doesn’t go far enough in securing reproductive rights, etc.


Because no man has had to bring a newborn onto the floor to do his work, they’ve never had to consider that a female legislator might need to.


When I read the headlines, I’d thought she’d actually had the child on the Senate floor, from the way it was put.


So, from a young age, girls are encouraged to approve and date a certain type of male; an insidious way for males to cull their own herd and make sure that the “duds” never get to date, lol!


Wonder how they’d pitch that nowadays when Reddit exists.


Me too, and I thought, wow,


'Tis true.


Damn, I don’t have the link anymore, but at least one study has shown that when men are told this, more often than not the successful candidate was another man.


Really, guys, this is the only bar you have to clear: