Not Feminism 101

Holy shit.


Well, there is yet another reason to not use Uber.


And what’s really depressing is that it’s probably not even remotely a unique situation. Tons of people live through something similar on a daily basis.


Yup. Gainesville, Florida (home of the University of Florida) has a very scary real-life story of a guy who was holding his “girlfriend” hostage for possibly years in a house, with anti-criminal bars on the inside of the windows. Right down the street from where I lived.
I passed by this house almost every damn day, without ever noticing a thing. If I had known, I’d have been over there with an axe post haste.


I wish I could find that funny. I really do, but it’s just too on the nose. Given recent events, it’s terrifyingly obvious that there are not insignificant* numbers of men who believe exactly that. As a woman, that scares me.

*Not the majority of men, perhaps, but enough numbers and the will to cause significant damage.


Really nice bit of writing on abortion:


It’s funny and not all at once. I know exactly what you are saying.




Thanks to the uptick in this topic, I’ve now run across some quotes from incels. It struck me that they’re leaning pretty heavily on libertarianism/Randism in their thinking.

Which you’d think would make them more happy there are sex workers in the world, except they see the exchange being strictly in terms of fuckability. This one guy was suggesting women who wear makeup should be fined, because it ups the “value” artificially.

Hitler was really anti-makeup. I think this is one case that can be said without Godwinning.


I’m so fucking naive sometimes…I got into it on YouTube in the comments section about Harry S Truman, the last human being to be POTUS. (Well, I think so.) Enjoy! (SPOILER ALERT: Yeah, even after being told to desist, I persist, lol):

One of the worst Presidents of all time, he literally dropped two atomic bombs on innocent people for no reason but to boost his ego, Russia had entered the war and japan was to surrender in 2 weeks and even after being advised by his military heads including MacArthur which felt the bomb wasnt necessary. Truman was a person who was picked on and degraded in childhood by school mates and parents and was placed into vice presidency through promises and payouts to take out henry wallace who was to win the ballot. Henry wallace who truly fought for the people and equality of man no matter the race, and that they used against him. Truman was a disgrace

L. A. Gothro
L. A. Gothro
1 day ago
The ballet? Like wearing a tutu? You obviously never read “Truman” by David McCulloch.

1 day ago
L. A. Gothro so whats your point? Besides nitpicking. He left office with one of the worst approval ratings of all time, what are you saying? That his biography told you he’s great? Because in actuality he was far from it.

L. A. Gothro
L. A. Gothro
1 day ago
My point is your observations are factually incorrect, and you can’t spell.

1 day ago
L. A. Gothro but yet you give no facts. Why dont you watch the actual history of the united states on netflix. Maybe you’ll learn something besides saying uhhh you cant spell and come back with a better defense besides you didnt read truman. You probably thought bush was a great president too.

L. A. Gothro
L. A. Gothro
7 hours ago (edited)
LOLOLOL! Are you attacking me, so I should defend myself? I thought we were having a heated discussion. And why don’t YOU actually read some history instead of watching it on Netflix? Sincerely. Plus, anything I would type in this forum would most likely be TL;DR to you. And of which Bush do you speak? Personally, I don’t think either one of them was worthwhile. One HST fact for you, though: When the haberdashery he ran with his friend from WWI (yes, he served, he was a Captain who got a bad Irish company to behave in France) went under, instead of choosing bankruptcy, Truman paid all of his creditors in full. It took him 20 years or so to do it, but he did. If you don’t believe me, LOOK IT UP.

6 hours ago
L. A. Gothro not an attack, everything written in history or especially in biographies arent always true or the full story. Alot history the united states wrote down in its history books are bullshit, they leave things out or lie so Americans dont lose faith. Everything in the history special is proven true and told exactly how it happened and not slightly changed like the government loves doing, the pros and cons. Truman only made it to President because FDR died, FDR had no real faith in him and hardly even spoke to him. Vice presidents were just there just in case. Wallace was the chosen one to become president and was cheated out of president by a rasict truman who was against wallace, wanting continued peace with Russia who played a big part in helping the united states in winning the war. He also dropped the 2 bombs on Japan against military suggestion only to boost his ego because staff knew japan was set to surrender within 2 days and there was no need for it. Look it up its all facts. Ive studied WW2 for years, the government loves closed minded people like you who dont research the facts. So because its on Netflix its fake??? Your track of thinking reminds me of our president, if its positive against him its real and if its not, then it must be fake. Look up declassified files on truman, you might actually learn the whole truth, because now your starting to sound like an idiot to me and that needs no defense. I wont read or waste my time responding to the next one so dont bother.

6 hours ago
L. A. Gothro oh wait and what’s actully??? Oh guess you can’t spell either.

L. A. Gothro
L. A. Gothro
4 hours ago
Jose, I’m glad you won’t read this, because you’ve been brainwashed, and read only what you wish to believe, not facts. What you’re stating aren’t facts. And if he was so bad, how did he get ELECTED in 1948?

I mean, WTF…I didn’t even mention Los Ninos! (Okay, I went back and posted this link):

The first POTUS to visit Mexico; and the troll had a Latino surname.


Maybe he hasn’t learned that in history yet. Here in Ontario, we don’t get to WWII until the start of high school.

I’m half and half on Truman, but what that kid was doing is not how to conduct an argument.


That was really insightful, thanks for sharing.


Again, I expose my naivete: When the current POTUS was just starting to campaign, I looked up to see comparisons to HST; I’d never even heard of Breitbart up to that point, and they compared the current POTUS to HST favorably. I was sickened. He wasn’t perfect, but he never cheated on his wife, he took care of his debts, and he appreciated people who had more knowledge and expertise for him. But I digress.

Even living in a household where argument was a form of recreation, we at least were civilized about it (for the most part, till Dad started deteriorating physically and emotionally), even sometimes playful.


I think this is a good 101 primer on the issue:


Which led me on a trip to this:


“You’re the girl who gets hassled. The one who attracts too much attention. You must have done something to deserve it.”

Holy fucksocks…


Loved that!


This thread is awesome:


I decided I while back that I would (and sometimes manage to do) respond to raging men with: “I can’t deal with this when you’re being emotional.”

When I have got the spoons to do it, the result is generally sputtering denial that they’re being emotional at all. A few are simply taken aback – they either didn’t notice how worked up they were, or never made the connection.

It does require caution, however. Like all interactions, do the standard calculus, first. Because, as we know from hard experience, some men get emotional at being told they’re being emotional, and express it with their fists.


It’s missing the brocialist/manarchist.


Sexism isn’t a labour issue. We’ll fix it when the revolution comes.