O, Canada - all your canuck news worth sharing!

I would use common sense. You don’t want it so big that 1) it takes up too much space and 2) it takes longer to start to melt. The container I use holds 4 ounces if you fill to the very top (which you would never do before putting in the freezer), so my quarter is sitting on about 3 ounces of water.


Oh, and make sure it’s transparent enough that you can eyeball it quickly rather than have to pull it out and open it up. You want to make it easy to check, every time you open the freezer.


Cool, thank you!


TO People: you okay?


Thanks for asking. I’m a long way from Yonge & Finch*, so all I know is what I hear on the news. So far at least three dead. A witness told the Star that the driver appeared to be deliberately aiming at people.

*Toronto is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.
– Douglas Adams


So this morning when they said Yonge and Finch was closed for an investigation, they meant… freaking hell. That’s awful.

ETA: He used a fucking rental van? That’s a new level of coward.


I’d disagree with new level on the rental van.

See: McVeigh, Timothy and that incidentally in Nice, France.


10 dead, 15 injured.

Apparently, there’s a social media post about an incel rebellion against chads? Sounds like the dark side of reddit has hit the streets of Toronto…


You mean from the perpetrator? Do you have a link?

1 Like

Here’s the best I could find on the net:


The scary thing is, I trace my path back to high school, and then forward again… I can see myself having become one of those Incel people.

There was a time when I was very lonely, and very angry about it, and very stupid. I felt I was owed romance, entitled to it, and I felt betrayed by certain specific women for not providing it to me. Had I found such a community at exactly the wrong time…

I don’t think I’d ever have murdered people, in that darker timeline, but I can see an alternate version of myself as a card-carrying member of that community.

Thankfully, I’m not as angry now. Still lonely, and still stupid (although in different and more exciting ways), but that particular window has long since closed.

(On a completely different note, I find it amusing that the word my phone suggests to go after “stupid” is “autocorrect.”)


I thought “Incel” sounded familiar.


I was just about to post something similar. Probably the majority of young people go through periods of loneliness and feeling unfairly rejected, although men seem to react with violence far more often than women. In my case I didn’t feel as if I was owed romance, more that maybe I wasn’t worthy of it, but I did feel resentment for what I felt was poor treatment by a couple of women. My reaction was to withdraw, not to lash out.

This was in pre-internet days, so I was never exposed to some sociopath telling me I should feel rage and seek revenge for my pain. The incel movement sounds horribly toxic to anyone in that vulnerable state.

I feel about cases like this the way I feel when I hear of a young person committing suicide. I want to go back in time, grab them and say, “Look, you’re at the bottom now. Wait a day, a week, something will happen and you won’t feel this way.” This, of course, is the message of the “It gets better” campaign, but it doesn’t only apply to LGBT youth.


Yeah… There is certainly an undercurrent in Western culture that romantic relationships are based upon a meritocracy, and that if you don’t have one, it’s because you’re somehow unworthy of love. It’s part of my self-esteem issues to this day.

Exactly. One of the many problems here is that before the Internet, withdrawing meant disconnecting from this kind of influence; with this kind of community existing, though, it can become a place someone can withdraw to, where the unhealthy attitudes can be reinforced and fostered to the point where lashing out becomes an acceptable option.

I can pretty much pinpoint two or three moments, as a teenager, when I would have been the most vulnerable to this kind of movement, and I’m incredibly grateful that I didn’t come across it at the time.

I’m not so sure that’s the message that needs to come across. I think the message needs to be something more to the effect of “You can be a complete, happy person alone.” In a world where society seems to demand that you have a romantic partner, but doesn’t provide one, it’s easy to feel outraged about that. It needs to be reinforced that making close friends can stave off the worst of the loneliness, and that the “Everyone must be paired off” attitude is a relic of a world where “Be fruitful and multiply” was both a sociological necessity and a religious imperative.

And even then… I know all of that, but I’m still struggling with the cultural baggage that expects me to pair off with someone.

Dreaming got me here,
And yet, the dream won’t die:
I can’t wish it away,
No matter how I try…
True love
True love
True love

Gah. I hate being a hopeless romantic. Especially the “hopeless” part.


Oh certainly. When I said “something will happen”, I didn’t mean only an external event, but the sort of shift in one’s thinking that we all experience when a good day follows a bad one for reasons we can’t quite explain.


I think my quibble is more that you’re describing something passive and I’m describing something active, rather than “internal” and “external.” Your point is that if you’re at rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up, which is valid, but I’d say that it applies more to the suicidal situation you describe than that of desperate loneliness. My point is that if you’re waiting for someone to throw a rope down, you’re never going to start climbing out of the pit on your own: you can make an active choice to live the best, meaningful life that you can alone, rather than waiting for another person to arrive and provide meaning.


Same here.