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Charges have been laid :


Called it! This morning on the radio they were assuming she was mentally ill and/or suicidal. I thought it sounded more like urban exploring gone wrong.


Her demeanour during and after the rescue looked more like embarrassment than anything else - head turned away, no eye contact. The reports while the rescue was happening said that police saw her at the top of the crane. She somehow grabbed the cable, not realizing it was greased, and slid 30 feet to the block where she ended up. How she did that without losing her grip or getting injured is a mystery. How she did the climb in two-inch heels is another. :grin:

The older I get, the more it saddens me how readily young people risk their lives for nothing. There have already been deaths from this practice, and no doubt this woman will inspire copycats.


OMG so awesome

See, that’s the vibe I got from the firefighter’s interview. If it had been mental health issues, I think he would have been much less jokey about it (and yes, I am well aware of the black humour of first responders). This struck me much more as “poorly planned stunt”. And it seems we were correct, this time.


They were talking on the news about her instagram which is full of “rooftopping” photos.

She was released on $500 bail.


Bonjour tous mes compatriotes,

Just now I have booked my flight to YOW for les festivités sesquicentennial ce juillet.

was that bilingual enough?

I would like to thank the seventy-three cent dollar for making this jaunt more budget-friendly.

Aussi, Go Sens! Go Oilers!


All the nope.


Nothing like an election to bring out the assholery:




The Liberals are BC’s right-wing party?

I mean, I know the federal Liberals like to run from the left and govern from the right, but I never thought that I’d see even an unaffiliated branch of the party actually admit it and run from the right.


It’s not the Left Coast for nothing! I mean, did Ontario ever have a Premier with as far-out and groovy a name as "Amor de Cosmos"?

I suspect the B.C. Social Credit Party governments of yore would have led to a similar reaction.


Yup. They’ve even minimised the amount of red in their colour scheme, focusing instead on nice, conservative blue.

Our provincial Libs make the Federal ones liok NDP.

Basically, when the SoCreds1 collapsed, there was a vacuum on the right that the Liberals charged into. And they have happily been there, ever since.

And despite this being hippy-dippy BC, the NDP have a horrible rep with a lot of people, based on their past track record. They are also coming across as hella hypocritical, bitching about the Libs huge donations, while pocketing even bigger ones because the rules allow it (the Greens aren’t as competitive / viable, so they are taking the “high road” on this.

Not to mention that we have large swaths of rural areas (which swing right) and a lot of pro-free market everything (especially big money from Asia) and a pretty strong “Bible belt” in the South Fraser area (TBF not solely Christian, but highly religious and conservative nonetheless), so somebody was going to fill that gap. The Liberals had always been the odd one out in BC politics (with the SoCreds and NDP duking it out), so they grabbed it.

1 BC Social-Credit Party.


Man, I miss Wreck Beach. :slight_smile:


Its the trifecta of Canadian head-slap!

  1. White oblivious person
  2. Cultural appropriation of First Nations
  3. and she’s from Toronto, because of course she is. /sigh

Seriously, white people, stahp.


OMG. I started listening to the Here&Now interview. She is everything you expect from “clueless white person”. “I am self-taught and just like the style” “I am taking the stories out of the paintings”. That last one left me screaming internally. I have things I must do, so didn’t finish. Besides there’s only so much “I am the real victim here” and “it’s part of my history, too” that I can take before tension headaches set in.


Right? Like OMG! What an entitled brat!


Yeah, but he’d wind up sounding like Harper, and we be all embarrassed again.

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They are the BC Liberals, no affiliation with the Federal Liberal party.

May end up with Bernier, and we’ll still be embarrassed. What passes for conservatism these days is deeply embarrassing.


That’s what I was saying.

According to Wikipedia, they were affiliated at one point, and then they branched off and broke away, which was what I was trying to convey.

Even if they’ve completely renounced all ties to the Fed Libs, it still surprises me to see them running from the right. Governing from the right, no, but actually running from the right, yes.