Our Felonious Ex-President


Two days later, as Guy Reffitt headed back from Washington, he sent his family a text that seemed to celebrate the violence he took part in.

“Shot multiple times with clay balls and Pepper Sprayed heavily,” he wrote. “We took the United States Capital. We are the Republic of the People.”

“Yeah,” his son responded, “you know they are tracking down everyone who was there right?”

“Yep, don’t care,” his father answered. “I broke no laws.”

Testimony at the trial earlier in the day was not quite as dramatic and was largely given over to the evidence that investigators had extracted from Mr. Reffitt’s electronics devices, including a 30-minute video he made of himself in the crowd outside the Capitol with a camera mounted on his helmet.

In the video, a foul-mouthed Mr. Reffitt can be heard repeatedly urging people in the mob to storm into the building and drag the lawmakers, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, out by their hair or ankles.

“I didn’t come here to play — I’m taking the Capitol,” he said at one point. “I just want to see Pelosi’s head hitting every stair on the way out.”

Charming fellow.


His kids are doing the right thing, though, as it was probably taught to them, by somebody.

And I think I need therapy? Sheesh!


What a Luddite.


I’ll admit, I came close to posting this in Schadenfreude Pie.

I really liked Google+'s privacy/contact management features…


Still the same guy you know and love.

I had to turn off the interview because his answers were far too predictable.

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Reffitt, a Texas Three Percenter and supporter of then-President Donald Trump when he went to the Capitol on January 6, was charged with five counts – wanting to obstruct the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election, transporting guns into DC, carrying a Smith & Wesson handgun onto the restricted grounds of the Capitol, interfering with Capitol Police protecting the Upper West Terrace and obstructing justice by threatening his son and daughter when he returned to Texas.

The jury of six men and six women in DC’s federal court deliberated for just under four hours Tuesday.

Reffitt sat very still, then sipped water as the verdict was read. His wife, Nicole, who had watched each day of the trial with some of her children, did not make it into the courtroom in time to watch it being read.

The maximum sentence for the most severe of Reffitt’s charges – obstruction of Congress and obstruction of justice – is 20 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on June 8.


He sounds nice :grimacing:

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The pair is accused of helping an unauthorized person make copies of sensitive voting-machine hard drives and attend an annual software update. Information from the machines and secure passwords were later shared with election conspiracy theorists online. Shortly after the data was leaked, Peters appeared at an event put on by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, one of the leading promoters of the conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was rigged.

“Something didn’t seem right in our county from years ago to the 2020 election. And they wanted answers. And I said, ‘You know what? If there’s a there there, we’ll find it.’ And I’ve made that pledge to the citizens of Mesa County and all over Colorado,” said Peters during the 2021 event.


I wish I could listen to this only someone else’s voice doing the speaking.

Like, even Mel Gibson. Or Michael Caine!


It would never have happened. Right.

Trump is probably currently in negotiations with his pal Vlad to develop the first golf resort in Chernobyl.


It is heartening to see that it’s not always “like father, like son”.


I don’t think even the most melodious voice would make that windmill rant anything less than nails on a chalkboard to me. And good lord, that topic shift…


Morgan Freeman’s voice, even?

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“Thanks to your bullshit, we are now under siege.” That’s some fine lawyer language!